LFI will present its own law to repeal pension reform, announces Coquerel
DayFR Euro

LFI will present its own law to repeal pension reform, announces Coquerel

The president of the Finance Committee of the National Assembly, Eric Coquerel (LFI), announced on Sunday that his group would present its own bill to repeal the pension reform in its parliamentary niche in November, considering that it would not be able to support that of the RN at the end of October.

“LFI will file in its own niche at the end of November, with the agreement of its partners, its own repeal of the pension reform,” declared the Insoumis on BFMTV.

“What we are looking at today is to ensure that by the end of the year, we can ensure that it is repealed but with our own measures that we will propose,” explained Mr. Coquerel, ruling out approving the repeal during a day reserved for the RN’s bills, its parliamentary “niche”, scheduled for October 31.

“It is a problem to give a social victory to a movement which proposes an economic policy which is not very different from that of Mr Macron and to give him this guarantee,” said the rebellious MP.

On France 3, the leader of the rebellious deputies, Mathilde Panot, assured that she “had no desire to give this political victory to the extreme right which has never fought against pension reform”, refusing however to reject the RN text before knowing its content.

“The RN has the first niche, we have the second. In the worst case scenario, if we do not get there by another means, we have our niche which will take place in November in which we have already decided to include the pension reform,” she indicated.

Asked about the same subject on France 3, RN MP Laure Lavalette put pressure on the left by inviting it to vote for the repeal of the reform.

“We will see if she is sectarian, if she does not vote because it is us or if the daily lives of the French and the two years stolen by this reform truly interest them,” she said.

For his part, Mr. Coquerel denounced a “decoy on the part of the RN”, which would submit this repeal within the framework of its niche in the Assembly, but without “any assurance that it would then be discussed in the Senate” where it does not have a group and where its LR president Gérard Larcher has already “said that this would not be the case”.

If the repeal supported by LFI also came up against the Senate, the Insoumis would then include it in “amendments to the Social Security Finance Law (PLFSS), because the Senate is obliged to examine them and in the end, it comes back to the assembly”.

Last year, the independents of the Liot group also tried to repeal the pension reform via a bill in their niche.

After a setback in committee on the flagship article repealing retirement at 64, they had come up against arbitration from the President of the Assembly Yaël Braun-Pivet. Under Article 40 of the Constitution, she had ruled that an amendment tending to reintroduce the measure into the text was unconstitutional, due to its cost to public finances.



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