Thierry Beaudet, the current president of the Economic and Social Council, could be appointed head of government. Emmanuel Macron would then choose the experienced civil society of debates to get out of the political impasse.
On the website of the Economic and Social Council (CESE), it is written: “in summary, the Cese is the link between public authorities and civil society”. Roughly what the next Prime Minister will be asked to embody. So why not appoint its president to Matignon in the face of an unprecedented political deadlock? This is the bet that Emmanuel Macron seems to be about to make. Thierry Beaudet, president of the third chamber of the Republic, could become the head of government in the coming days, according to several concordant sources cited in the press.
Forty-eight days after the resignation of Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, this name finally seems to hold the rope. During the weeks of negotiations, the New Popular Front, which came out on top in the elections, had a single, non-negotiable candidate on its lips: Lucie Castets, director of finance and purchasing at Paris City Hall. In vain. For the president, the thirty-year-old would have been overthrown upon her accession to power as part of a motion of censure. The Bernard Cazeneuve option also seems to be on the rocks. It is also complicated to appoint a politician from his party – the presidential alliance came second in the legislative elections. A similar difficulty for the right, which came third, even if the names of Laurent Wauquiez or Xavier Bertrand have circulated and nothing is impossible.
Emmanuel Macron would nevertheless have kept the idea of a character from civil society. The name of Laurent Berger, former head of the CFDT, has circulated, as has that of the general director of the Caisse des Dépôts Eric Lombard. But it is another personality who seems to have the favors of President Macron: Thierry Beaudet.
Read alsoMacron concludes his consultations: the surprise Beaudet preferred to Cazeneuve and Bertrand for Matignon?
Thierry Beaudet former president of MGEN and Vyv
Born in April 1962 in Orne, Thierry Beaudet has had several lives. First that[…]