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Jura. Despite his learning disabilities, his son is doing thanks to school inclusion

They do not consider themselves trained enough: “we learn on the heap”

An initial 60 -hour training is what the AESH benefits. Insufficient according to them. “We do not go deep into each of the troubles,” explains Nadine Gasne, Aesh. We learn about the heap ”. “It takes a real training plan and the exchange of practices,” wishes Dalila Faivre-Belalia (Unsa Education). “There are more specialized training, but the AESH never gets them,” adds Patricia Ganneval (Snuipp-FSU 39).

Formed by themselves

After a career start in computer science, Marie-Pierre Clément became Aesh in 2010. “I learned a lot about autism by myself, reading books,” she recalls. Karine*, former specialized educator, is more direct. “The 60-hour training is useless,” she says. It would take a state diploma with training of 1, 2 or even 3 years ”.

The academic inspection does not have the same vision. “To national education, we do not come back by the disorder but by the needs of the student,” explains Jean-Michel Faivre, assistant to the academic director in charge of the departmental service of the inclusive school. The goal is to reach the student's autonomy. AESH have access to departmental continuing education if they request it. ”

“Sometimes extreme cases”

AESH are sometimes victims of violence committed by children. “I have already found myself in the emergency room,” says Karine. You can follow children with severe autism. We are recruited to manage sometimes extreme cases, with little training and a salary of misery ”. The essential role of AESH is widely recognized by teachers. “They offer the possibility of leaving the child from the class when there is a need,” explains Dalila Faivre-Belalia.


According to the trade unionists, children are accompanied in class by AESH while they are more of the IME (Medico-educational Institute) or ITEP (educational and educational therapeutic institute), accentuating the difficulties. This is confirmed by Jean-Michel Faivre: “Some children expect a place in the IME and are accompanied in class, but we have less and less this type of situation. The family can also say no to the IME, it has the last word. It is still necessary to allow the schooling of the child ”.

*Borrowed first name


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