The rider and the masked torchbearer return for the parade of champions
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The rider and the masked torchbearer return for the parade of champions

A reappearance to launch the fifth and final ceremony. The parade of champions of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games on the Champs-Élysées on Saturday, September 14, began with the return of two emblematic characters from the opening ceremony on the Seine: the masked torchbearer and the rider on the silver horse.

They appeared on either side of the long podium on which the athletes were to parade at the top of the avenue. The masked bearer, once reunited with the rider, gave the three blows with a stick to launch the event and above all trigger a spectacular fireworks display in the colours of the tricolour flag around the Arc de Triomphe.

Multiple actors for these characters

During the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games on July 26, the masked torchbearer appeared several times, both in recorded sequences and live. Played by several artists and athletes, this character crossed the capital from rooftop to rooftop, from Austerlitz to the Eiffel Tower, passing by iconic places in the city. It was an inspiration for several protagonists of French culture, such as Belphegor, The Iron Mask, the Phantom of the Opera, Ezio d’Assassin’s CreedFantomas or even Arsène Lupin.

As for the character of the horsewoman, the ceremony had put her forward twice. First on the metal horse that went up the Seine at the end of the parade of delegations on the boats, then on the Pont d’Iéna to make a majestic entrance on the Trocadéro stage.

This character was played by two women: Morgane Suquart, co-founder of the Breton company that designed the metal horse, for the part on the Seine, then Floriane Issert, non-commissioned officer of the national gendarmerie, for the arrival at Trocadéro.

- RMC Sport


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