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A heavy fine for all cyclists who forget this obligatory gesture on the road

Like motorists, cyclists must respect the highway code. They incur a big fine for forgetting this gesture!

Forgetting to signal changes of direction while cycling can be costly. By forgetting this simple and obligatory gesture, the cyclists incur a significant fine.

A gesture too often neglected by cyclists

Many cyclists are still unaware that raising their arm to indicate a turn is not optional. No ! This is not a trivial gesture! This is a legal obligation in the Highway Code.

In the event of non-compliance, anyone risks being fined. Enough to weigh down the wallet, isn't it? This also risks endangering the safety of others. So don't neglect this very important gesture. It is very simple and fast.

This hand signal is essential. Because it allows you to inform other users on the road. Drivers, pedestrians or even other cyclists, it is necessary to raise their arm to indicate their direction.

This way, you don't risk surprising others. By anticipating each movement with a hand signal, you avoid accidents. As well as sudden braking and collisions. The principle is simple, just hold out your arm.

And this, in the same direction that you want to take. The goal is therefore to show where you are going, if you leave a path or overtake an obstacle. By adopting this reflex, you play an active role in the flow of traffic.

This is necessary to avoid unpleasant surprises. As well as the unpredictable reactions of other users. Alas, too few cyclists understand the importance of this gesture. Very often, they consider it optional, or even superfluous.

This lack of visual communication harms mutual trust on the road. So to avoid damage, the police can fine this type of risky behavior. So you understand, you risk a lot by neglecting this very important habit.

So don't forget, it is necessary to memorize this very precious gesture on the road!

An obligation governed by law

It is not difficult to integrate this signal into your habits. Each cyclist must therefore repeat the movement until it becomes natural. By repeating this gesture, you ensure better security among all users.

The French Highway Code has always required this action. So law enforcement can fine people who fail to report their change of direction.

This sanction is not just a deterrent! It also reflects the police's desire to hold each actor present on public roads accountable. THE cyclists are not exceptions. And this, even if their vehicle does not have turn signals.

They too must compensate for this absence with a gesture of the arm. By respecting this obligatory gesture, each cyclist participates in building a climate of trust on the road.

As you can see, this attitude is above all preventive. And very simple to set up. It shows that bicycle users are aware of their role and responsibilities on the road.

Thus, they gain legitimacy. And they see their presence better accepted in the traffic flow. Because it is well known, the cyclists do not have a very good reputation in the city of .

So don't forget to take the time to raise your arm. This is a very good and effective communications tool. It guarantees better visibility.

Shay Coquelit

Hi, I'm Shay, web editor specializing in celebrity news and shows. Since I was little, I have loved following the festival. For six months, I have been writing articles in the People, cinema and media section. My passion for these fields is reflected in each of my articles. Stay tuned to Tuxboard for my latest news and analysis!


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