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Chronos du Velay: will the record for the Chaspinhac climb finally fall this year?

As the end of the season approaches, the Vélo-Club du Velay will organize its traditional Chronos du Velay, Sunday October 6. On the program, the Valley time trial in the morning. Then the climb to Chaspinhac in the afternoon.

The Chronos du Velay will give pride of place to versatile runners, Sunday October 6.
In the morning, the riders will want to show off all their power in the Loire Valley time trial. Cyclists will set off from the entrance to Chadrac, from 9:30 a.m., to reach the finish, located at the entrance to the town of Vorey. This 17 km route has a slightly descending false flat which allows you to carry large gears.
Last year, Théo Debard won this time with a time of 20’42. The triathlete did not do better than his 19’41 in 2021, which still allows him to hold the record for the event.
The U13s will set off for 8.7 km from 9:15 a.m. For all categories, up to those over 80, reference times are established and just waiting to be beaten.
Like every year, performances will obviously be dictated by the weather and more specifically the wind. A parameter which has less influence, in the afternoon, on the climb to Chaspinhac. Local cyclists have been used to tackling this difficulty since the 1980s. It requires a short but violent effort to complete the 4.3 km at more than 6% on average. Last year, it was the tireless Anthony Cheytion who won, after finishing second in the morning. This result allowed him to win the Chronos du Velay, at 48 years old.

The Chaspinhac climb record has held for 12 years

Multiple winner of the event, the Ardéchois will be back this year to defend his title and he is inevitably cited among the favorites. The first departures will be given around 2:30 p.m.
In the afternoon, it will be more difficult to imagine breaking the climb record. Since 2012, it has been held by native Philippe Moreau, with 10’26.
To establish a new reference time, twelve years later, it would be necessary to achieve an immense performance and flirt with 25 km/h.


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