DayFR Euro

A reward for information on technological fraud – News

The International Cycling Union always takes very seriously the threat of technological fraud (or mechanical doping), that is to say any method or machine which would help the propulsion of a bicycle in addition to leg work. To obtain more information, the UCI is launching the “Fight against technological fraud-Rewards Program” and its little English name FATF-RP.

Since May, the fight against technological fraud has been entrusted to an American, Nick Raudenski, a former federal investigator. “The objective of this program is to provide the UCI with an additional means to detect, deter and investigate possible cases of technological fraud or attempted fraud through the use of new and innovative technologies – and with difficulty. detectable – in bicycles, during cycling competitions“, explains the federation.

The intelligence arm is essential to uncovering secrets when they exist, so the UCI provides rewards for its informants. “The program will be open to individuals or entities, whether licensed/registered with the UCI or not, who voluntarily and in good faith provide relevant information on technological fraud in cycling (…) Requests under the FATF-RP will be examined at the discretion of the UCI and will only be granted after determination of the veracity of the information provided and assessment of its probative value“, indicates the international federation.


Three types of rewards are provided by this program:
-Material support
-Financial aid
-Monetary or value reward

The extent of compensation or reward takes into consideration the potential material effort and investment provided by the source as well as the potential risk of harm or repercussion due to such disclosure“, adds the UCI.

The process of implementing an award involves several stages controlled by the UCI. First the submission of a support request, the preliminary review, the verification of the information, the decision on the type of reward, its payment and finally the confidentiality of the transaction.

The UCI has not announced whether it is extending this reward system to other types of fraud.


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