This Monday the traditional post-national championships race took place in Otegemin Belgium, where the winners of the weekend can show off their new jerseys. After the victory of Sanne Cant (Crelan-Corendon), it was the men's turn. That is, Iserby (Pauwels Sauces-Cibel Clémentines), Toon Aerts (Deschacht-Hens-FSP) or encore Laurens Sweeck (Crelan-Corendon), top runners were present this Monday. These three runners and Joran Wyseure (Crelan-Corendon) competed for victory in the sprint, but it was Toon Aerts who was the fastest.
First victory since his doping suspension
The victory was decided in a sprint between four riders in Otegem this Monday. However, there were numerous attacks and there were several leaders during the event. That is, Iserbyt was the first to attack, quickly countered by Laurens Sweeck. Sweeck saw it come back to him Joran Wyseuretaking control of the race for a while. But Sweeck, Izerbyt et Jens Adams managed to return. Aertsin difficulty at the start of the cross, returned after three laps to the race lead. These five riders were then neutralized, alone Adams cracked in the last lap whileIzerbyt was accelerating. The victory ultimately came down to a sprint and it was Toon Aerts who was the fastest. Sweeck et Clocks finished on the podium, Izerbyt 4e.
Toon Aerts finally won his first victory since his suspension for doping. This season, he has been very consistent without ever managing to raise his arms. Indeed, since the start of the season 4 times in second place, including three times in heats of World Cup (Dublin, Namur, Besançon). Here he is finally rewarded, he who had not won since June 6, 2022.