When Didier Roustan spoke openly about the very complicated period he went through

When Didier Roustan spoke openly about the very complicated period he went through

On the night of Tuesday 10 to Wednesday 11 September, Didier Roustan died of liver cancer. A sudden disappearance that caused a shockwave. Very involved in football and described as sunny, the 66-year-old man had nevertheless experienced a dark period.

It is a disappearance that has caused a real shock wave within the world of football. On the night of Tuesday 10 to Wednesday 11 September, Didier Roustan died suddenly of liver cancerOn June 22, the 66-year-old man made his last appearance on the air, on the set of The Evening Teamwhere he was president for life. This lover of the beautiful game then made revelations about his state of health, already rather worrying. Former Telefoothe has always been very involved in the world of football. To the point of exhaustion since he had even known a phase of depression.

It was in 1995 that Didier Roustan created the International Association of Professional Footballers (AIFP) with the help of Eric Cantona and Diego Maradona. As The World As Didier Roustan reported, his aim was to “thwart the designs of football business“. But not everything went as planned. When his association ceased to be active in 1999, The sports journalist then falls into depression. “The financiers and the big fortunes hold all sides of the handle. People are being massacred. It’s disgusting. I tried to use the system to make it produce something other than what it intends to produce. I broke down. But I still believe in it.“, he confided to our colleagues in July.

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