A “happy mess”: when cyclists avoid going around the saturated Lake

A “happy mess”: when cyclists avoid going around the saturated Lake
A “happy mess”: when cyclists avoid going around the saturated Lake Annecy

Aith around a hundred comments, our call for witnesses on the greenway of Lake did not fail to provoke a reaction from the readers of the Savoyard boom. Overall, users notice overcrowding and avoid going there at certain times of the year or day.

“Since the boom in VAEs (electrically assisted bicycles, editor’s note), attendance around all lakes has been exponential and riding has become anxiety-inducing”testifies Rémi, who refers to “the Bauges, the Aravis, the Maurienne and the Tarentaise”. “The track from May to the end of August is a disaster, we leave before 8 a.m. to avoid the crowds and when we come back around 12 p.m., it’s rubbish”notes Jérémie for his part. Didier, he “avoid taking the cycle path in summer, especially the Annecy part, from the Marquisats to Chavoire”. Many other Internet users are observing this summer break. “I no longer take it during the day in summer, much too dangerous”confides Caroline. Anne-Marie admits that “the pleasure of traveling there has not been there for a long time because the danger is so great”.

Annecy: everything you need to know about the widening of the greenway, saturated on the west bank of the lake

“It should be regulated”

What poses a problem, beyond the crowds, is cohabitation, she considers. “Too many people, different practices, cyclists, pedestrians, strollers, scooters, rollerblades and other new ways of getting around, dogs with 10 meter long leashes… in short, too much insecurity”. Cécile also deplores “certain disrespectful behaviors”. Like Alain: “Too many people who don’t even respect the highway code, believing themselves to be alone and without respect for other users”. Fabien does not hesitate to talk about “real happy mess” Or “everyone thinks they own the way”. Which makes Christian say “that it should be regulated”.

Annecy: why it took 10 years to finalize the lake greenway

Finally, Karine invites us to take a step back. “In summer, there are people, but it’s like everywhere in tourist towns”she thinks, continuing to find the green path “very pleasant”provided “to be careful and drive slowly in certain places”.



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