Mental health: 45 people followed the “Psycyclette” course in Gers

Mental health: 45 people followed the “Psycyclette” course in Gers
Mental health: 45 people followed the “Psycyclette” course in Gers

the essential
The “Psycyclette”, which aims to break taboos on mental illness, crossed the Gers and stopped in Vic-Fezensac.

The National Union of Families and Friends of Sick People (Unafam) has launched its 10th edition of the “Psycyclette”. Starting from , after several stops, the participants crossed the Gers for the 10th stage and covered 140 kilometers in 10 days. Every year, several groups leave from or Aquitaine, like this group that finishes in , crossing . The aim is to meet the inhabitants of the cities crossed in order to talk about their initiative and break the taboos on mental illness.

Also read:
The Psycyclette, a fine example of humanism

On the way, they stopped at the Maison Bleue in Vic-Fezensac to eat, this Saturday, July 14. They then left for a break in Lannepax and finished their journey in Montréal-du-Gers, in the holiday center. All the municipalities welcomed them or made premises available to them, in order to accommodate the caravan made up of steward cars, group follow-up cars and cyclists.

25 runners

In total, there were 45 accompanying persons and patients, including 25 runners, composed of patients, nurses and educators. The Marchand hospital in Toulouse was represented by a nurse, Philippe Restes, with six patients from the hospital, who are participating in the stay.

Elisabeth Dornelle, former departmental delegate and volunteer within Unafam explains: “We are in contact with hospital structures, and in particular the hospital center, the Embats clinic and all local organizations, including those of Vic-Fezensac. Our Gers delegation is small with three volunteers to run it. And we have 60 members.”

Thierry Laplanche, director of the Gers Hospital Center, said he was “delighted to see these cyclists come by every year. We were in Auch, a stopover town last year. We are always very happy to see them return to our region!” During the meal, the director of the Auch hospital addressed the cyclists and their companions and warmly “thanked them for their willingness.”



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