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“Small campsites tend to disappear”

the essential
What do socio-professional tourism stakeholders think of this year 2024?

During the presentation of this report, several major players in tourism in Aude were able to express their feelings. For Antoine Lacuve, president of the outdoor hotel federation (FHPA), the information revealed by ADT 11 overlaps with the crowds observed in campsites in 2024. If it has not broken records , stability was found. However, a downside remains: smaller campsites are tending to disappear. “The situation is very complicated for these managerslamented Antoine Lacuve. Nationally, the problem is known. But we lack concrete solutions to overcome this. Aude wants to be particularly affected by the phenomenon compared to neighboring departments. Perhaps the installation of more visible signage or even the allocation of aid could change the situation.“Thierry Deniau, president of the Union of Hotel Trades and Industries (UMIH) of Aude, reports a more pessimistic situation.”We have been suffering since the period of the pandemic due to Covid-19“, he said. Whether it is a question of the availability of staff, the “cost of raw materials“enhanced, or the establishment of standards in line with sustainable development, all of these subjects slow down the good development of the sector. According to the president of the UMIH, bring certain establishments up to standard”would require enormous sums“. A notable problem also exists outside the department.

More than 50 million euros generated by Gîtes de

The president of the ADT assures that he is well aware of these difficulties. By mentioning the proliferation of labels, he does not exclude that in the future, some could disappear. Which should not be the case for Gîtes de France, which has become a brand due to its presence in the region for decades.


We are committed to qualityspecified Bernard Foltran, Aude director of Gîtes de France. There are 1,000 in the region and 200 new ones each year. The furnished supply is exploding. The socio-economic benefits are higher compared to the last point achieved five years ago. “An increase of 10%, for 56 million euros generated in 2024. Out of 436 municipalities in Aude, Gîtes de France are represented in 350 of them.



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