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Pogacar had Covid ten days ago but says he is “fully recovered”

CYCLING – Tadej Pogacar, presented as the huge favorite of the Tour de France, says he had Covid a few days before the big start. Enough to reshuffle the cards?

Will Tadej Pogacar be weaker than expected at the start of the Tour de France in Florence? While the Slovenian rider says he has made further progress since his tyrannical victory in the 2024 Giro, he also admitted that he had Covid about ten days before the start of the Tour de France.

“I got sick ten days ago. I had Covid, it was a little question mark but I recovered well and I am fully recovered,” the Slovenian said at a press conference in Florence. “It wasn’t that bad. It was just a cold that passed quite quickly, he explained. Covid is no longer as virulent as before, especially if you have already had the virus before. I’ve already had it once, maybe twice even, I don’t remember. »

Got sick during a training camp

The 2020 and 2021 winner fell ill during a training camp at Isola 2000. He “stopped a full day before getting back on the bike, first on the rollers indoors, then outdoors “.

Another setback disrupted his otherwise “perfect” preparation: the death of his grandfather. He went to the funeral in Slovenia. Despite these difficulties, the competition continues to think Pogi into(…) Read more on 20minutes

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