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Flu, Covid-19: everything you need to know about the vaccination campaign which begins this Tuesday, October 15

Who is affected?

More than 17.2 million French people are particularly invited to be vaccinated against these two viral pathologies which can, in certain cases, have fatal consequences.

The editorial team advises you

The categories targeted as a priority are at risk of developing serious forms: those over 65, residents of nursing homes, people of all ages suffering from certain chronic illnesses or severe obesity, pregnant women.

Vaccination is also recommended for caregivers and those around vulnerable people (seniors, infants, etc.).

“Vaccination coverage for those over 65 has declined. »

Who to get vaccinated with?

Doctors, nurses, midwives and even pharmacists can perform the two injections, which can be given in a row, without this being obligatory.

The editorial team advises you

What vaccines?

For covid, this year it will be a vaccine targeting the Omicron JN.1 variant, close to those dominant for several weeks. Initially, only the Pfizer-BioNTech serum will be available.

For the flu, three vaccines from different manufacturers, designed from the strains of the virus that are expected to circulate the most this season, can be used interchangeably.

Flu and covid: what epidemic reality?

The impact of the flu and covid in the coming months in remains unknown. Last season, the flu returned to a pattern close to that before the Covid-19 pandemic, after two years heavily impacted by covid.
However, it caused 14,000 hospitalizations and more than 1,860 deaths, a figure probably lower than reality because it is based on incomplete death registers.

The editorial team advises you

“Avoid a setback”

“Vaccination coverage for those over 65 has fallen” compared to the previous season, warned the Director General of Public Health France Caroline Semaille, judging that “it is alarming because the patients hospitalized and in intensive care are those over 65 “.

Another stated objective: to raise the level of flu vaccination for seniors but also for caregivers, which is in decline.

This decline was also evident for seniors living in nursing homes, where flu vaccination coverage was the “lowest measured in recent years” last season, noted Capucine Ulian, medical advisor to the general management of the Social cohesion.


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