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masks, isolation of residents… Covid has returned to Debrou

First three cases on September 16, 2024. And thirty-seven more since, for a total of forty cases as of Friday October 4. In almost three weeks, Covid-19 has spread within the Debrou accommodation establishment for dependent elderly people (Ehpad) in Joué-lès-. “But there are no serious cases or deaths”reassures the director, Abdelkabire Essalhi. “Eighteen residents are still in isolation. They stay in the Oeillets and Iris units. For the twenty-two others, notably in Amaryllis, the seven-day isolation is lifted”he adds.

Cases have also been reported among staff, although their exact number is not known. On September 30, in a note sent to the families of the 240 residents, the director made the decision to return “the wearing of a surgical mask is compulsory, until further notice, for all people present within the Debrou Residence: staff, external speakers, visitors. Only residents are exempt from wearing a mask. »

Bans pronounced

The return of the compulsory mask may make some tense, the director of Debrou invites relatives with questions on this subject to participate in the next social life council, scheduled for Tuesday October 15. “I invite all families and residents to come and debate on this occasion”adds Abdelkabire Essalhi in his note of September 30.

If wearing a mask is again compulsory (and must be brought by the visitor), visits from families and loved ones are maintained with required respect for barrier gestures. Since wearing a mask is required, visitors are, for example, prohibited from consuming coffee, tea and hot drinks in the social and entertainment areas, in the restaurant rooms and lounges. Outings for isolated residents are suspended and meals with families and loved ones are also prohibited for the moment.

Vaccination on the way

Alongside these measures, the vaccination campaign against influenza and Covid-19 is being prepared. It is due to start on October 15. “Out of all residents, there are around ten who refuse to be vaccinated (1)”adds the director, who repeats that “Debrou does not refuse to welcome residents who are not vaccinated against Covid. We have no way of checking at the entrance whether so-and-so has been vaccinated in the past. »

Families had until September 30 to object to the vaccination of a resident. “Beyond this, and unless contraindicated by the attending physician, Debrou will apply the good practice recommendation of the High Authority for Health and the National Medicines Safety Agency by carrying out vaccination, under the control and responsibility of our employed doctors »he concludes.

(1) Every resident has the right, except in the case of specific legal protection (guardianship), in which case the decision is entrusted to the guardian.


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