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When Boris Johnson was thinking of invading the Netherlands in the middle of Covid

These are “Memories” which have not stopped being talked about. Unleashed (which could very freely be translated as “unleashed” or even “unhindered”), a 780-page book by Boris Johnson, will be released on October 10 in English by William Collins. The unambiguous subtitle suggests discovering “the unvarnished truth about Brexit, Covid and Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party”. Given the character, we inevitably expect something explosive. The first indiscretions and good leaves revealed this Saturday by the Telegraph live up to expectations. We learn that in 2021, Boris Johnson, then British Prime Minister, seriously considered, at the height of the pandemic, invading the Netherlands to seize doses of Covid vaccines, believing that it was his duty to seize the vaccines developed by the British and “kidnapped” by the European Union.

The chapter is tasty and Johnson tells it like a gripping thriller, worthy of the best stories of the Second World War. “The five million doses, stuck at the Halix factory in the Netherlands, had long been part of AstraZeneca’s supply chain. After five weeks of negotiations, in March 2021, I decided to summon the army’s top brass to ask them “if it was technically possible to launch a water raid on a warehouse in Leiden, the Netherlands, and take what was legally ours and what the UK desperately needed.” Lt. Gen. Doug Chalmers, deputy chief of the defense staff, told me that such an action was “certainly feasible, Mr. Prime Minister.” While continuing: “We would send a team on a commercial flight to Amsterdam, while another team, clandestine this one, would take advantage of the darkness to cross the Channel aboard rigid inflatable boats and go up the canals . They would then travel to the target, enter, secure the assets, exfiltrate using an articulated truck and head towards the Channel ports. But I must warn you, Prime Minister – and here they all looked at me pointedly – ​​that it will not be possible to do this without detection. He pointed out that closures were in place in Belgium and the Netherlands, and that local authorities could observe our every movement… If we are detected, and we will be, we will have to explain why we are invading an ally of long-standing NATO. The former prime minister concluded this meeting in the wisest possible way: “Of course I knew he was right, and I secretly agreed with what they all thought but didn’t want to say out loud. voice in front of me: it was all nonsense.”

In Unleashedthe former Prime Minister also addresses the issue of “partygate”, denying having spent his evenings in Downing Street partying “with my friends from the Covid Taskforce and the Cabinet Office”. He also called Sue Gray’s report into pandemic rule violations a “witch hunt.”


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