DayFR Euro

. Covid is back: around twenty cases in hospital

Due to the increase in cases of Covid in the community and in health and medico-social establishments in the region, the management of the Saumur Hospital Center would like to call “visitors should be extra vigilant when they come to the Saumur, Longué-Jumelles Hospital Center and in our EHPADs. » Therefore, the instructions for visitors are as follows:
– Postponement of the visit in the event of signs of infection (fever)
– Wearing a mask to be respected if you have been in contact with a case of COVID (wearing a mask obligatory for the entire duration of the visit, with hand hygiene) or if you present signs of ENT infection and the visit is not can be postponed.
Note that “Wearing a mask may be made compulsory at the entrance to certain services depending on the number of Covid cases received in the service: it is the responsibility of visitors to respect this preventive measure, for their loved ones and themselves. » Finally, the Saumur CH informs that “the national anti-Covid vaccination campaign will begin on October 15, 2024 and remains a very effective prevention measure against serious forms. We know that we can count on everyone’s sense of responsibility to protect patients and residents. »


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