companies serving overseas opposed to the increase in the solidarity tax

companies serving overseas opposed to the increase in the solidarity tax
companies serving overseas opposed to the increase in the solidarity tax

The Ministry of Finance plans to increase the solidarity tax on plane tickets in 2025. An increase confirmed a few days ago by the new Minister for Transport, François Durovray. An increase that airlines will have to pass on to prices and they don’t like it. Overseas populations will once again be penalized.

In the series, I’m looking to save money, Michel Barnier’s government came up with an idea, that of increasing taxation on French air transport. The so-called “Chirac” tax introduced in 2006, with the primary aim of financing the fight against AIDS in Africa, currently brings in 460 million euros. LThis time the government intends to make all passengers contribute, by increasing this tax, to recover an additional billion euros.

For the aviation world in , this announcement is a real shock. This weakens companies already poorly recovered from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, compared to international competition. This increase will also have serious impacts on overseas destinations, since it will inevitably be reflected in the price of plane tickets.

Concretely, the amount of this tax depends on two factors: the destination and the class of travel. On a Pointe-à-Pitre/ route, the tax could reach 60 euros instead of 7.50 euros today, an increase of more than 50 euros in economy class. In business class, the tax could reach 200 euros.

Air France, Corsair, Air Caraibes and French Bee have already reacted by firmly opposing this government proposal. If this project sees the light of day, there will be an impact on ticket prices. warned Air France through its general manager Ben Smith, especially since the French company alone already pays “30% of this tax”.

France is one of the countries in Europe, even the country in Europe, which already taxes its aviation sector the most heavily. Airlines are not able to absorb such a tax shock.

Pascal de Izaguirre, CEO of Corsair and president of FNAM

On the side of Air Caraibes and French Bee, we emphasize the threat that such an increase constitutes for territorial continuity between France and overseas.

These flights, essential for overseas residents who are often deprived of transport alternatives, would suffer a sharp increase in ticket prices, further aggravating the territorial divide between the inhabitants of the overseas territories and mainland France.

Regional trade would also be impacted. “LThe company’s mission is to promote accessible regional connectivity and contribute to the economic development of the islands. will be strongly affected.

The airlines should be fixed on this project, during the presentation of the 2025 budget, this Thursday, October 10, 2024. In Guadeloupe on Initiative Committee for an Alternative Political Project (CIPPA) reacted to this announcement on its Facebook page.



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