Small pensions, SNCF tickets for Christmas, flu vaccination… Everything that will change in October

Small pensions, SNCF tickets for Christmas, flu vaccination… Everything that will change in October
Small pensions, SNCF tickets for Christmas, flu vaccination… Everything that will change in October

Good news for small pensions. As an extension of the 2023 reform, 850,000 pensions will benefit from an increase of €50.94 on average every month from October 9. According to the site, this increase will concern “the small pensions of retirees who have had a full career”.

  • 2 … and APL

Every October 1, personalized housing assistance (APL) is revalued according to the evolution of the rent reference index (IRL) for the 2nd quarter of the current year. A revaluation which depends, in particular, on one’s city of residence, one’s family situation and one’s resources. In the 2nd quarter of 2024, the IRL showed an increase of 3.26%; APLs will therefore increase by 3.26%.

  • 3 Fight against telephone number theft

This measure results from the Naegelen law: from this Tuesday, October 1, it will no longer be possible to falsify a telephone number to pose as a bank advisor. Telephone operators will, in fact, deploy a call origin authentication system. This system aims to prevent the usurpation of landline telephone numbers, also called spoofing, whether those of banks, businesses or public administrations.

  • 4 Increase in the benchmark gas price

    Since the removal of the regulated gas sales price in June 2023, the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) publishes the benchmark gas sales price monthly. This is the reference price on the market, with many suppliers choosing to index their offers there. On October 1, this benchmark price will increase, from €130.21 to €137.20 per megawatt hour, an increase of 5.37%. This increase, which “will affect all categories of consumers”, “raises crucial questions about the evolution of energy bills for French households in the months to come”, notes the CRE.

  • 5 Gentle pedal on the ring road

    No more 70 km/h on the Paris ring road: from this Tuesday, October 1, the maximum speed will drop to 50 km/h, as in the city. A controversial decision by Anne Hidalgo aimed at reducing the noise and pollution suffered by more than half a million local residents.

  • 6 Opening of the sale of train tickets for Christmas

    On October 2, at midnight, the SNCF will open the sale of its Christmas tickets. It will then be possible to book your TGV inOui, Ouigo or Intercités trips for the period from December 15, 2024 to January 8, 2025.

  • 7 Flu, covid-19: start of the vaccination campaign on October 15

    From October 15, vaccination campaigns against covid-19 and flu will be carried out jointly in mainland , Guadeloupe, and Guyana. Campaigns which began in Mayotte on September 10. Are you one of the priority people? The answer here.

  • 8 Change to winter time at the end of October

The transition to winter time is approaching: on the night of Saturday October 26 to Sunday October 27, at 3 a.m., it will actually be 2 a.m.



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