what are the symptoms of the new XEC variant?

what are the symptoms of the new XEC variant?
what are the symptoms of the new XEC variant?

© Halfpoint/Adobe Stock

– The vaccination campaign against the new variant will begin on October 15, 2024.

The Covid-19 crisis is over, but we will have to adapt to the presence of the viruswhich still circulates as much. With the arrival of cold weather, it is back and could affect many people. “Especially since a new variant, called XEC, is starting to circulate in warns La Dépêche, Thursday September 26, 2024. Vaccines, designed to offer protection against this new variant, are already available. The vaccination campaign against Covid-19 will begin October 15. It will also concern vaccination against the flu.

THE symptoms of this new variant are, however, similar to other forms of Covid-19 already known: “cough, sore throat, throbbing headache, fever, and sometimes loss of taste and smell”indicates La Dépêche. If he demonstrates rapid growthparticularly in Europe, the severity of symptoms should not be greater than previous strains. The recommendations have therefore not changed in its presence: in the event of illness, it is necessary to avoid as much as possible interactions sociales.

Also read:

Covid-19: new controversy over deaths attributed to hydroxychloroquine

Teleworking, mask, barrier gestures…

To minimize the risk of getting sick, you should think about ventilate regularly his accommodation. In the event of illness, teleworking should be preferred and prevent those around them and potential contact cases, establish barrier gestures in the event of an encounter. In closed public places (pharmacies, stores), you must wear a mask to avoid the risk of spread. Finally, you must make an appointment with your doctor if you experience symptoms.



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