Prime Minister Michel Barnier will be censored (also) by François Hollande
DayFR Euro

Prime Minister Michel Barnier will be censored (also) by François Hollande

Capture France Inter François Hollande confirmed that he would vote for censure against Michel Barnier.

POLITICS – It does not aim “the person”. By announcing that he would vote for the motion of censure against Michel Barnier’s government as soon as the opportunity arises in the National Assembly, François Hollande has taken precautions. The problem is not the Prime Minister, but “politics” that he intends to lead, the former President of the Republic was careful to specify on France Inter.

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“The French wanted to push aside the extreme right, they wanted change, an improvement in their purchasing power, a revision of the pension reform, better institutional practices, how do you expect us to give our agreement?”he asked. According to him, “continuity with Emmanuel Macron” is obvious.

Just as he will vote for censure, François Hollande rejects any possibility of entering the new government. “When it is a right-wing government, with right-wing policies, supported by the extreme right, how do you expect socialists, and more broadly women and men of the left, to participate in such a team?”castigates the PS deputy from Corrèze, re-elected in June under the New Popular Front label after having already held the position from 1988 to 1993 and then from 1997 to 2012.

“What will happen next?”

Meanwhile, Michel Barnier is consulting at every turn (he has already met with Laurent Wauquiez, Bruno Retailleau, Jean Castex, Élisabeth Borne and Yaël Braun-Pivet) and working on his future government, which he hopes to set up within ten days. If the motion of censure tabled by the left were voted on by the National Rally, the new Prime Minister would be immediately overthrown.

“We still have to think about what happens next: what will happen after that?”asks François Hollande. Will the Lucie Castets hypothesis regain strength? Or that of Bernard Cazeneuve? For the former tenant of the Élysée, the situation is in any case unstable. He cites as proof the role of arbiter entrusted to the RN which, the day it wants to overthrow Michel Barnier, will be able to do so instantly. Which makes Hollande say that “The extreme right is coming back through the window, after having been pushed out the door by the voters”.

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