In Mormant in Seine-et-Marne, a man who killed his partner and her two children arrested
DayFR Euro

In Mormant in Seine-et-Marne, a man who killed his partner and her two children arrested

A man stabbed his partner and her two children, aged one and five, to death in Mormant, in Seine-et-Marne, AFP learned on Saturday, September 7, from sources close to the case.

The man was arrested around 6 a.m. by an off-duty police officer after he had just confronted another man in the street, one of the sources said. The man then indicated “having killed his family”she added.

The Paris Research Section was tasked with the investigation, in co-referral with the Melun Research Brigade. Contacted by AFP, the Melun prosecutor’s office had not responded to date.

In 2023, more than 60 children were killed by their parents, according to La Voix de l’Enfant, an association that keeps a count based on cases reported in the media. A report submitted to the government in 2019 estimated that a child was killed every five days.

On average, a femicide occurs every three days in France. According to the Ministry of Justice, there were 94 femicides in 2023, compared to 118 in 2022.

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