nine first novels to get your teeth into
DayFR Euro

nine first novels to get your teeth into

You know the drill: every year, starting in mid-August, new novels (French-language but not only) come out in droves, too many to be given the spotlight they deserve. Some will be big news or create controversy, without this necessarily having anything to do with the quality of their content, while others will go unnoticed and sadly leave the bookstore shelves without having found their audience.

Every year, first-time novelists throw themselves headlong into this immense battle that will unfortunately claim many victims. So, provided you have the budget, don’t hesitate to support their books. There are some gems in the list below that are much better than some of the titles shortlisted for the Prix Goncourt, take our word for it.

“You wanted my warmth, you will have my fire”, fires

“There, everything always starts the same way. I get hit on, I arouse curiosity and looks, the salespeople want to advise me, flirt with me and smile at me as if I were the most handsome guy in the store. Of course, I know it’s their job. And of course, everything stops if I talk about my pussy. But floating for a few minutes in hegemonic gay masculinity is very pleasant.”

With each literary rentrée, trans stories seem to gradually gain visibility, with authors finally having the opportunity to share their experiences and go beyond the simple discourse, often dramatized and medicalized, on their gender transition. This is evidenced by this book as incendiary as its title, an intimate and sexual epic written in the first person and placed under the sign of a double desire displayed by Paulo Higgins: that of living fast and finding one’s place.

Being a trans man and wanting to integrate into the gay community is not easy: you expose yourself to rejection, disgust,…



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