Lilian Dejean’s brother asks suspect to be a “good man”


Jean-Marc, the brother of Lilian Dejean, a municipal agent killed in Grenoble, asked the alleged murderer to be a “good man” this Saturday, September 14, in the program “Focus dimanche” on RTL.

“We all make mistakes. Basically, what is a mistake? It’s a car accident. Two damaged cars, we simply make a statement, and life goes on,” Jean-Marc reports. “But when you don’t take responsibility for your actions as a man, you’re not a man because you’re a coward.”

A “totally cowardly” person

Lilian Dejean’s alleged murderer fled after shooting the municipal officer twice. The shooter has since been identified, but remains at large.

“He could have shot in the air. And then, my brother, brave as he was, would have thought first of his children and it would have stopped there,” adds the brother of municipal money. “This person was a total coward.”

On RTL radio, Jean-Marc explains that he is holding on thanks to “love and kindness”. “This kindness, and I thank the whole of France for it, I feel it. It is enormous.”

A silent march in tribute to Lilian Dejean will be held this Sunday, September 15 in Grenoble. The procession will set off at 12 noon from Boulevard Jean Palin, where the municipal agent was killed by two bullets while responding to a road accident.

A sporting tribute

He should pass through the premises of urban cleanliness where Lilian Dejean had his office. The arrival is scheduled for 2 p.m. at the Olympic Village, BFMTV learned from the prefecture. A second tribute will be held shortly after on Sunday on the occasion of the third round of the Coupe de France. The match, which will be played at the Olympic Village stadium, will see FCP de l’Arbresle face off against the USVO Grenoble club to which Lilian Dejean belonged.



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