Can Macron play the modest president?


EIs he really capable? Playing the referee, the statue of the Commander, the Zen guardian of our Constitution. Bowing his head and letting Barnier the Reasonable govern without playing the fly in the ointment, without trying to show everyone that he is still Jupiter, that nothing escapes him, that he will continue to occupy all the government posts. Putting an end to this vibrant feverishness bordering on a pathology that many politicians know: the fear of emptiness. Will our president be able to detoxify himself from this illness that overwhelms him and that has played such a harmful role in the collapse of his popularity: acute interventionitis ? The virus is so deeply entrenched that it is difficult to imagine a sudden recovery.

To do this, his collaborators could concoct a “Special Cohabitation” tutorial for him, with the examples of François Mitterrand and Jacques Chirac as illustrations, themselves confronted with this forced marriage with their opposition. Our two dinosaurs, who themselves experienced so many defeats during their careers, took advantage of this political picketing to regain, over the days, the esteem of public opinion. They even became popular. Why? Because they agreed to play the Sphinxes, the great sages, the heirs of King Solomon, who had understood before anyone else that the main adversary of people in power was themselves. According to the Bible, no longer knowing how to govern, Solomon asked […] Read more


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