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“Indefensible”: Is this the end for Mélodie?

Compromising elements have recently tarnished the reputation of Mélodie Dominique, and it is now the Lapointe-Macdonald and Nolin law firm that they have been brought to the attention of the Lapointe-Macdonald and Nolin law firm. The young trainee thus finds herself under increasing pressure.

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The trial of biker Jeffrey Blondin (Anthony Therrien) is fast approaching. He faces a charge of first-degree murder after coldly shooting an undercover agent in the street.

However, Blondin maintains his innocence, arguing that he was acting in self-defense. Leo Macdonald (Sébastien Delorme) and Me Danielle Alain (Maxim Roy) must now strive to find evidence or a witness who can corroborate this version of the facts.

Meanwhile, Maxime Dubois (Mathieu Baron), the investigator in charge of the case, discovers that Morris Simpson (Angelo Cadet), a key individual in the investigation, is in reality the adoptive father of Mélodie Dominique (Naila Louidort).

This discovery greatly complicates the situation within the firm, because Mélodie is an intern at Lapointe-Macdonald and Nolin, and her father is now involved in the trial of Jeffrey Blondin. Léo, Me Alain and André Lapointe (Michel Laperrière) are therefore forced to summon Mélodie to clarify this matter.

They first question her possible knowledge of her father’s criminal activities, but also the possibility that she shared confidential information on the Blondin file. Mélodie defends herself vigorously, asserting her complete belief in confidentiality and swearing that she has never disclosed sensitive data.

Despite his apparently sincere statements, the management of the Lapointe-Macdonald and Nolin firm decided to suspend his internship for the duration of the legal proceedings linked to Jeffrey Blondin. However, they assure her that she will return to her position once the trial is over.

It remains to be seen whether we can truly place this trust in him. Even if Mélodie is unaware of her father’s actions, the family bond remains. Will the firm’s lawyers manage to overcome this situation and regain their trust in him? The question remains open…

Don’t miss IndefensibleMonday to Thursday 7 p.m., on TVA and TVA+.



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