Guy Jodoin opens up about his sex life and his celibacy
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Guy Jodoin opens up about his sex life and his celibacy

Guy Jodoin was passing through Take a Breakan episode in which he opened up about several topics, such as his fear of death, his career, In a galaxy near you and on his… celibacy.

A few minutes into the episode, the hosts asked Guy Jodoin on his relationship with sexuality, now being 57 years old and without a partner.

A question that made the star burst out laughing.

Capture @Take A Break

“Actually, yeah, eh… I’m really single, 57 years old… f*urres-tu? That was the question, huh? I’d tell you, not much (laughs) not much and I miss it! “, he said, making the podcast hosts burst out laughing.

Capture @Take A Break

One of the facilitators then prompted him again, telling him that if he really wanted to, he probably could.

“(…) For me, it’s not at all costs, I don’t absolutely want to be with someone (…)”, he said, explaining that he considered himself a free bird and wanted to not have to answer to anyone.

One of the hosts then brought Guy back to the subject of sexuality and asked him what he misses about not having sex.

“I think that to ask the question is to answer it. You knowbecause it’s nice; it’s nice to make love, it’s nice, for me, to make love when I’m with someone I love. For me, it’s not just the action (…) it’s good. It’s good physically. There’s something very good; it’s sweet, it’s good, no matter how you’re going to do it (…)”, he said, comparing sexuality to eating, explaining that it should be something normal, less taboo and simple.

“If I could have a healthy, gentle, simple sexuality, that would be perfect (…)”, he continued.

At the very beginning of the episode, Guy had confided that since his early childhood, he had been afraid of dying. So, one of the hosts asked him if dying alone, single, was something he feared.

The star explained that he was starting to think about it, but that for him, it was not at all costs, that he did not want to grow old with a person with whom he is not comfortable and that in this case, he would prefer to do activities with his friends or alone.

“My parents wouldn’t like me to say that because they want me to grow old with someone, but I don’t want to grow old with just anyone and I don’t want it to be complicated (…)”, he explained, saying that his ideal scenario was to meet someone like what is portrayed in the movies and that he is not on dating networks because it is too complicated.

Curious, the hosts asked him what he is like when he is in seduction mode.

“I’m a hunter, so it’s definitely just too much; in life I’m too much. (…) What may have killed all my relationships in the end, I think that’s it. I think I’m just a little too intense (…) I’m maybe hard to follow (…)”, he replied, mentioning that he was always thinking about the next activity, the next trip.

A little later, Guy claimed that the key to success in a relationship is communication, however, it seems that our host of the Cheater has difficulty with this concept himself!

“Please communicate what is… I say it and I have trouble doing it (…) me, maybe I haven’t done it enough and yet I respect people a lot and I want the person to be happy, but I realize that I don’t depend on the happiness of the other (…)”, he admitted.

Then he opened up about his parents’ relationship and says they are a really beautiful couple and his mom often tells him that every day she chooses her dad again.

He said he had never seen his parents argue very badly, even in their ups and downssomething he admits he has already done.

This is something he admires about his parents’ relationship.


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