and Kevin and Jonathan Borlée shed a few tears for the end of their career (videos)
DayFR Euro

and Kevin and Jonathan Borlée shed a few tears for the end of their career (videos)

Van Damme Memorial: Kévin Borlée has done another lap of the track for a Belgian club record in the 4X400m (video)

The Belgian Tornado ends his career with a Belgian record wearing his club jersey.

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A couple of Belgians

Published on 09/14/2024 at 7:49 p.m.

Kevin Borlée did another lap of the track early Saturday evening with his club Olympic Essenbeek Halle (OEH) to set a new Belgian club record.

With a time of 3:05.57, OEH posted a new best time for clubs. A first in 11 years.

Tuur Bras had launched OEH to hand over the baton to Dylan Borlée. Kevin Borlée was the third torchbearer. Jonathan Sacoor completed the work in 3:05.57 to set a new Belgian club record.

The previous record was already set by Kevin and Dylan Borlée, but with the White Star (WS) club, with also Jonathan Borlée and Arnaud Destatte. This quartet had achieved a time of 3:06.06 on May 1, 2013 in Oordegem-Lede.

Belgian club champion, OEH beat Royal Excelsior (notably with Florent Mabille), 2nd in 3: 10.43 and Lyra Lierse, 3rd in 3: 11.08.

Kevin Borlée competed in his last individual 400m the day before as part of this 48th edition of the Van Damme Memorial.

In the women’s race, Lyra Lierse posted the best time in 3:42.09 ahead of Eendracht Alost in 2nd in 3:46.58 and Oudenaarde in 3rd in 3:48.33.


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