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Coach Pierre-Ambroise leaves the adventure, “I’m going crazy…

By Aurélie H

– Published on June 28, 2024 at 8:55 p.m.

Dramatic twist in the episode of Apprentis Champions this Friday, June 28. Pierre-Ambroisse has left the adventure!

Right now in The Apprentice Championsthe candidates disappear one after the other. The first to have abandoned the adventure is Bastos. An announcement made by Simon Castaldi who explained: “He went to the doctor last night and he won’t come back. I don’t know why, even I don’t know the reasons. I don’t know… Except that he went to the doctor and he said he couldn’t come back.” A hard blow for the Red team, but also for Lisa-Marie, since Bastos left without saying goodbye to anyone.

Sammy gave up

In the process, it was Samy who decided to also leave the Red team. The young man does not feel comfortable in this adventure and he prefers to leave. “I don’t feel 100%, I’m not really myself here. I’m withdrawn, so I prefer to go home. I’m not at full strength, I prefer to go back. It’s affecting my morale”he had explained to his comrades. Soraya then got annoyed, reminding him that they were all playing for an association. For her part, Manon Tanti found this decision a little selfish. She would have liked him to nominate himself to be eliminated rather than leaving on his own. Nikola Lozina then came to Samy’s defense: “He’s not well, he’s new, he’s not used to it like us. He’s a beautiful person, he can’t cope and it’s better for him.”

Simon Féraud announces his departure

During this Friday, June 28 episode, two new candidates left the competition. It happened during the ceremony where the Red team had to eliminate someone. It was then that Simon Féraud raised his hand to speak and explain: “I came into this competition with my wife. I really wanted to, but unfortunately, our relationship is struggling. She doesn’t have the Simon she’s in love with. My priority is to save my relationship. I can’t move forward anymore. I’m going to take responsibility and I will, unfortunately, be forced to give up and leave my team.

Adixia also leaves the adventure

Simon Féraud made this decision to leave Les Apprentis Champions without telling Adixia. Back against the wall, she had to make a decision very quickly: to stay or leave with her husband. The young woman then announced that she was also leaving the adventure with Simon Féraud. She made it clear that he was not just the man who shared her life, he was her husband. And for Adixia, her marriage comes first. But despite these beautiful words, the beautiful blonde is very saddened to leave the game and her comrades.

Pierre-Ambroise is leaving!

The day after the ceremony, the two teams met up with the coaches. When Pierre-Ambroise noticed the absences of Simon and Adixia, he lost his temper. “We promised ourselves that there would be no more abandonment after Samy. 24 hours later, they took two people away from me. It pisses me off and I’m spinning”, he confided in front of the W9 cameras. Pierre-Ambroise criticized his team for not being united enough and not having given enough to prevent Adixia from leaving. Annoyed, he removed his whistle and his stopwatch before giving them to Julien Tanti. “I told you that if there was another abandonment, I’m leaving. So, it’s clear!”


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