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He reveals the syndrome that affects his son Antoine, “his start to life was chaotic”

Everyone is born with their physical and mental characteristics that make each person unique and irreplaceable. However, these particularities can sometimes be difficult experiences for parentsas in the case of Elie Semoun and the syndrome his son suffers from.

Elie Semoun, known for his humorous sketches, remains, most of the time, very discreet about his private life. Recently, he still spoke about a delicate subject: the syndrome his son is a victim of and which inflicted ” and chaotic start to life ».

Elie Semoun is a great French comedian and actor

Elie Semoun is a great French comedian and actor. He has starred in well-known and recognized series in the country such as Neuilly his mother ! or What have we done to the Good Lord? On the personal side, he met and married Annie Florence Jeannesson in the 1990s. From this union was born his only child, Antoine Semoun in 1995, who is thriving today in the field of painting.

In the media world, it is difficult to have intimacy as a couple and as a family, because the community and fans of each public figure are
on the lookout for the slightest news which would be out of the ordinary. Elie Semoun has tried to remain as discreet as possible regarding his private life. Parts of his life are not known to the public, which is perhaps best to preserve the well-being of the celebrity. However, he opened up about one aspect of his private life: the syndrome that affects his son.

Elie Semoun confided in a very private part of his family life

Antoine Semoun, only son of Elie Semoun and Annie Florence Jeannesson, suffers from syndrome
. This syndrome is
a form of autism
which is characterized by difficulties in social interactions and communication. These people face many daily challenges in integrating into society, particularly due to their intelligence generally above average and their difficulties in understanding other individuals.

Antoine Semoun, aged 29, is therefore affected by this syndrome and in fact, just like his family, a force today. The comedian spoke about this situation during an interview with the media Gala. He indicated that when his son was born, he had having trouble accepting this difference : « I wanted you to be like the others and it exasperated me that you didn’t have the same desires as them. I was in denial ».

crédit photo : Shutterstock
Elie Semoun spoke about his son’s syndrome.

Elie Semoun’s son suffers from a syndrome that has made his early life

Elie Semoun continued his interview by talking about the birth of his son, which was also a difficult time.
“His early life was chaotic ». In fact, he was born at only five and a half months of pregnancy and weighed only 750 g. Today, Antoine is doing very well, flourishing in painting and makes his father proud
“I have always admired her imagination, it even inspired me to do a sketch where I laughed at her obsession with pad thai. My son is different, but I love this differenceAntoine, he has something more, not less”.

Photo credit: Instagram screenshot / @andy.santori Elie Semoun is very proud of his son.

Antoine therefore lives today from his passion under the name Andy Santori. He realizes his creations
from his room at his father’s house. He had just indicated to
Gala in an amused tone: “He doesn’t care about having paint on his shoes. We can
track in the house. In a few years, it might be worth a lot… but in the meantime, I’ve erased everything.”


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