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Mélanie Da Cruz talks about being single since her separation from her ex Anthony Martial

For two years, Mélanie Da Cruz has been a single mother, after her separation from the athlete Anthony Martial. In a video on Youtube, the former candidate of Secret Story evokes his celibacy and the “trap” linked to its independence.

It’s been two years since Mélanie Da Cruz separated from her partner Anthony Martial, with whom she had a son. The former reality TV candidate took a long time before ending this relationship, after numerous infidelities on the part of her companion. “He’s a great dad, I can’t say anything else (…) I wasn’t ready to think about my happiness as a woman. My child, that was everything. Seeing my son smile, he was there my forgiveness”, she confided in an interview on YouTube. Mélanie Da Cruz is now adapting to her new life as a single mother. She tried to make a return to television by participating in the show Moms & Famousbut her ex-partner refused to let his son be shown on TFX. Today, Mélanie Da Cruz is still single; a situation that does not seem to bother her.

Was Mélanie Da Cruz afraid of becoming single again?

“Not at all, I needed to be. Just for me and to make better choices.”confided Mélanie Da Cruz in Shera’s Youtube video. “There, for two years, I didn’t say to myself: ‘I have to find a guy’. I trusted myself. This is very dangerous.”explains the one who can “do everything by myself”. “That’s the trap”confirms Shera, before her guest adds: Me, the boy who will come, it has to be a plus. Mélanie Da Cruz now has many criteria and she no longer lets men approach her so easily.

Why does Mélanie Da Cruz have trouble meeting someone?

“The people who come to talk to me are out of interest. Half of them think I’m going to finance them. The money I earn is for my son, it is not to support another man.. It’s out of the question. The other half, they just want you to snap them so they become famous. No thanks either.”explains Mélanie Da Cruz, who also has physical criteria, even “I walk by feeling. If you look at all my exes, there are none that are alike”. The former reality TV candidate does not want to bring just anyone home, because of her son.


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