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after 15 years on RTL, his show …

This Wednesday, June 26, Flavie Flament spoke to bid a moving farewell to her listeners, her show on RTL having been canceled.

After 15 years behind the RTL microphone, Flavie Flament announces her departure from the station.

Flavie Flament therefore wanted to say goodbye to listeners, in a poignant message published this Wednesday, June 26.

At the start of the school year, a well-known face should replace Flavie Flament on RTL.

It’s time to say goodbye. After 15 years of good and loyal service, Flavie Flament announces her departure from RTL. First officiating for 10 years in the afternoon with We are made to get along, the host returned to the 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. slot in 2021 where she was in charge of Jour J. She then returned daily to a fact current or past news, with an expert or a witness. But all good things come to an end, The time has come for Flavie Flament to leave.

So, this Wednesday, June 26, she wanted to send a touching message to her listeners, via her Instagram account.Fifteen years. It’s not a small thing, 15 years. And for me, it meant a lot. Really a lot.“, begins the emblematic presenter of Stars at home and Live my life. And adds: “Fifteen years of unwavering loyalty, renewed challenges, unwavering demands shared with all those who, every day, worked alongside me for magnificent, even unexpected audiences, in a context that had become difficult.

Flavie Flament: “D-Day ends, and life goes on

During this publication, Flavie Flament returned to his journey within the station. “Twelve years of listening to you live, of reflecting and swaying together on the flow of our existences. Three years of inviting you to take a step back from current events, to listen to the noises of the world so as not to become deaf, to look more closely at the meaning of history to prevent the blindness of ignorance. An essential nuance in the current context“, she believes. Looking back, Flavie Flament considers her bet to be a success and does not hide her ” pride.

After thanking his “team became clan, gang, band“, Benjamin Castaldi’s ex also wanted to have a special word for those she received in front of her microphone. “Thank you to all our guests, so brilliant, who have awakened us. To want to name them all would be to run the risk of forgetting some. They know my gratitude“, she assures. And concludes not without emotion: “D-Day ends, and life goes on. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your loyalty, your curiosity, your prescience! 15 years ago, I didn’t expect so much!!! Come on now, come on! We’re pulling ourselves up! See you soon, I promise.

This emblematic face of France 2 which replaces Flavie Flament

Instead, RTL listeners should hear the voice of Faustine Bollaert. The host of It begins today will indeed arrive from Monday to Thursday from August 26 with a new one-hour show planned for “very early evening“. After having “hesitated a lot“for planning reasons, it was ultimately with undisguised joy that Faustine Bollaert accepted this new challenge.

I didn’t want to sacrifice anything in my family life as my pleasure to do It starts today. There, I know it will be intense, but this new meeting will have added valuewith another way of meeting people“, she explained in the columns of Parisian. In this program, she will receive Heroes, “ordinary people who have had extraordinary things happen to them“. “It will be a one-on-one meeting, without psychologist expertise, so that my guests can talk about their life stories.“, she detailed, specifying that anonymous people as well as celebrities will be welcome.


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