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“Disgusting…”: an M6 star tackles Hilona Gos after her controversial remarks

At 28, Hilona Gos has just become a mother for the first time. Very active on social networks since she left the world of reality TV, the young woman is currently at the heart of a lively controversy.

A few days ago, the young mother published a video in which she and her boyfriend gave their opinions on the sexual differences between girls and boys.

Their comments then caused an outcry, so much so that influencers were asked to comment on this discussion.

And today it is Nicolas Waldorf’s turn to tackle Hilona Gos who, according to him, would have done better to keep quiet.

Hilona Gos: remarks that scandalize the Web

It was on YouTube that the famous video of Hilona and her darling Paul-André was published. “If my daughter gets pregnant at 15, it will hurt me more than if my son gets a girl pregnant at 15. It is the girl who must protect herself. If she does not take her pill, she gets pregnant…”, then launches the young dad.

If at first Hilona Gos corrects her darling, she seems to end up siding with him. “For me, if my daughter comes home and says, ‘Mom, I’m 20 years old, I’ve slept with 15 guys, well, I’m going to insult her a lot more and be very angry than if my son at 20, he comes home and tells me “Mom, I’ve slept with 15 girls” she then confessed.

Very quickly, these comments caused an outcry on the Internet. The influencer Shera Kerienski, for example, reacted through a video.

“It’s very, very hard to hear that from a woman. I swear. You don’t know how much this breaks my heart. Now, I’m not even angry anymore, I’m sad in fact […] Honestly, I swear, it shocked me. I am horrified.”she said sorry.

An M6 star tackles the young mother

This Thursday, June 27, 2024, journalist Sam Zirah shares on social networks, extracts from his show in which he also reacts to this policy with his columnists and his guests.

Among them, the famous hairdresser and star of the M6 ​​channel, Nicolas Waldorf. The latter expressed his dissatisfaction with the young parents’ speech.

“There’s nothing wrong with this video. Both of them are completely crazy! The other one with her baby in her arms who is giving life advice, that’s crazy! It’s not the girl’s job to protect herself, when you decide to have consensual sex with two people, it’s both of them!”he said.


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