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This terrible disagreement between Jacques and Thomas Dutronc before his funeral revealed

On June 11, 2024, Françoise Hardy returned his last breath. After years of fighting against the disease and suffering, to the point of making the fight for access to euthanasia a right, the singer of the Yéyé years has died. A death that Jacques Dutronc, her husband although separated for years and Thomas Dutronc, their son, had a hard time accepting.

My life has become so difficult that I sometimes wish I could leave in my sleep and not wake up”, confided Françoise Hardy in 2022. However, it was not at home that she passed away, but in a hospital bed, reveals Paris Match. This Thursday, June 27, the magazine returns to the last days of the singer and to this request left unanswered by Thomas Dutronc to his father Jacques Dutronc.

Françoise Hardy: Thomas and Jacques Dutronc last informed of the singer’s death

Although the news of François Hardy’s death came back to her son, he was not present when she breathed her last. Indeed, the singer of “Tous les garçons et les filles” wished that Thomas Dutronc and Jacques Dutronc be kept away of her last moments. This is how she passed away surrounded by her niece and her press attaché. For her son and her ex-partner, although still married, it will be necessary to wait several days before being able to gather.

According to our colleagues, the only and adored son of Françoise Hardy had to wait 3 days before being able to see his mother’s remains. A difficult and certainly emotional moment that Thomas Dutronc did not want to experience alone. Nevertheless, by asking his father Jacques Dutronc for this service, he did not think he would find himself so alone.

photo credit: DR

Funeral of Françoise Hardy: this request from Thomas Dutronc refused by Jacques Dutronc

In order not to be alone in the morgue to pay his respects to Françoise Hardy’s body, Thomas Dutronc asked his father to accompany him. A request that was refused and caused a disagreement between the two most important men in the singer’s life.He does not feel capable of experiencing the confrontation between him alive and Françoise Hardy dead.”, explained our colleagues.

For the 81-year-old singer, seeing the remains of his ex-partner and mother of his son was too hard. However, Jacques Dutronc had a thoughtful gesture towards Françoise Hardy after her funeral. Indeed, after having “bought a cemetery plot of Monticello, where he can place the ashes of the deceased”he also bought one for himself. So the two former lovers and friends can rest next to each other for eternity.

Thomas Dutronc surrounded: after the death of Françoise Hardy this priceless gift from his fans

To help him overcome the loss of his mother, Thomas Dutronc can count on his father, his relatives and his fans. The latter have a nice surprise in store for him. On June 27, the 51-year-old singer revealed on his Instagram account that his next concert at La Cigale in Paris was sold out. A nice gift for Françoise Hardy’s son, whose the last wish was that Thomas Dutronc continued his concerts, even after his death.

photo credit: France 2

You must not cancel anything for me. You must continue working, life must continue“, she had said to him. The one who listened to his mother until the end thus announced a second piece of good news: “IHe will now see you at the Olympia on May 15, 2025.”.


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