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Henry Cavill is transformed for his new role, did you recognize him? (PICTURES)

On July 25, a new Guy Ritchie film will appear on Prime Video. We will find an unrecognizable Henry Cavill in this dive into the heart of the Second World War and the creation of British special forces.

Guy Ritchie hasn’t finished investing in streaming platforms. After its success on Netflix with its remake of The Gentlemen in series, in the spring, here it arrives on Prime Video, July 25, with an equally muscular film. In The Ministry of Dirty War, the British director relied on an actor loved by all to play the main role: Henry Cavill. The hero of Superman and of The Witcher, generally hairless – revealing a square jaw – is on occasion very hairy. A full beard and an English mustache – long and curled on the sides – enhance his face, enormously transforming the actor. It must be said that Henry Cavill had to blend into his character, the soldier Gus March-Philipps, engaged in one of the first special forces missions in the history of the United Kingdom, in 1941.

A key stage in the history of the British Army depicted in The Ministry of Dirty War

In The Ministry of Dirty War, it all began when, in the middle of the Second World War, Prime Minister Winston Churchill asked a small group of soldiers to create an ultra-secret team to carry out operations against the Nazis outside the legal framework. These are the early days of the SAS, the British Army’s special forces unit. Inspired by reality, The Ministry of Dirty War therefore offers to dive into the heart of this team of unconventional fighters led by Gus March-Philipps. The first mission is tense: they must destroy an Italian ship supposed to supply a Nazi submarine off the coast of Cameroon, on the island of Fernando Po, which then belonged to Spain – the island, now called Bioko, is now part of Equatorial Guinea.

Which actors are in the cast of the film The Ministry of Dirty War avec Henry Cavill

In addition to Henry Cavill, Guy Ritchie bet on Alan Ritchson, known for his roles in Smallville, Titans or Reacher, to play one of the members of the special brigade. Eiza Gonzalez, widely applauded in The three-body problem, on Netflix, is also part of this supercharged band. As for the intermediary between the Prime Minister and the future special forces, he is played by Cary Elwes, revealed in 1987 in Princess Bride and seen since in numerous films, notably the saga Saw.

Prime Video
Prime Video

Article written in collaboration with 6Médias


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