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“I didn’t know we had to take an oath”: Waly Dia slams (again) the management of France Inter following the dismissal of Guillaume Meurice

It’s time for confidences for Waly Dia. Chronicler of “Great Sunday evening”, show previously hosted by Charline Vanhoenacker, he is one of those who did not want to slam the door on France Inter following the dismissal of Guillaume Meurice caused by his tirade on Benyamin Netanyahu.

As a reminder last October when the military operation of the Jewish State against the Gaza Strip began, the comedian had accused the Israeli Prime Minister “Nazi, but without foreskin”. If he wishes to continue to shine on the station’s airwaves, Waly Dia regrets that a certain lightness is gradually disappearing in countless media.

ALSO READ: Guillaume Meurice suspended: Unions ask Radio France not to fire him

Waly Dia empties his bag

In the big sounding boards, this type of humor, of speech, no longer exists whether on RTL, on Europe 1… France Inter is the last space and it is doomed to be destroyed, but As long as it still exists, we might as well go for it.”regretted Waly Dia in the columns of Le Parisien this Wednesday, June 26, 2024.

The opportunity for him to bounce back regarding the fact that he was spared by management despite his chronicles against him. “If they want to stop me from speaking, what argument are they putting forward: that I don’t agree with them? But if we start firing someone because they don’t suck at your boots, we’re on a problem “said the artist who still does not understand the eviction of his colleague for “repeated disloyalty”.

Significant support for Guillaume Meurice

According to him, this justification “does not stick” because Guillaume Meurice would never have harmed France Inter. “There are many more people who supported Guillaume than people against him,” Waly Dia said, while insisting that the group’s leaders must remember that they are first and foremost “public radio service” in addition to not being “the heads of people”.

“We don’t have to put up with their mood swings. We are at the service of the listeners. And if they rejected us, we would know it“, Waly Dia got annoyed. Faced with the situation that he judges “dictatorial”, difficult for it to discolor: “It’s amazing that one sentence can trigger all this mess (…) This incredibly cowardly choice (the dismissal, editor’s note) was made despite a court decision and massive support from listeners (…) “.

“I didn’t know we had to take an oath”

More bluntly during the interview, Waly Dia said more about the substance of his thoughts. I didn’t know that we had to take the oath at Radio France, I hadn’t read that in my 200-ball freelance (…)”, regretted Waly Dia.

Faithful to his values ​​and convictions, he authorized himself at the beginning of June to write a particularly virulent column on this context. In France, if you are subject to an arrest warrant for war crimes, you can be invited to a news broadcast. had released Waly Dia live. “On the other hand, if you make a joke about this war criminal, you are banned from the radio. So why does Sibyle Veil, the president of Radio France, the state radio station, decide to disregard a court decision.”

To support his words, the actor then reflected on the personal journey of the current CEO of the group: “I saw that for three years, she had been an advisor to Nicolas Sarkozy. She learned magic with Dumbledore, I want to say. The lady’s plan is to free us, so I don’t know not if leaving is the right strategy if you want to piss off management.”


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