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“Not so happy”: why Sylvie Joly was not welcome at Bernadette Chirac’s

The life of Sylvie Joly was in the spotlight in a documentary entitled
The Pretty Life of Sylvie Joly and broadcast on Paris Première on Tuesday June 25, 2024. The opportunity to pay tribute to the woman who left her mark on an entire generation after establishing herself as a comedian and actress in the early 1980s. While she was enjoying great success, she announced the end of his career in 2007 without saying more.

Finally, a few years later, theFrance learned that the actress of Misérables suffered from parkinson’s disease, in an autobiographical work. Affected by a severe form of the disease, Sylvie Joly very quickly saw herself diminish. She could no longer walk and had to use a wheelchair to get around.

Sylvie Joly was “rowdy” at school

But she has always shown great humor, even managing to be ironic about her personal situation. Finally, she died of cardiac arrest on September 4, 2015. In the documentary that pays tribute to her, we learned that
Sylvie Joly had a close link with a well-known French personality: Bernadette Chirac.

Both women attended the same school for many years. In the documentary, it is the widow of Jacques Chirac who recounts what Sylvie Joly was like at school. “In class, she was rowdy as hell. And she was walking me home and mom wasn’t so happy…“, she recalled.

Bernadette Chirac: “Mom thought she looked bad”

In fact, it seems that Bernadette Chirac’s mother did not really appreciate her daughter’s classmate.Mom thought she looked bad.” In the documentary, the former First Lady does not say whether the two young girls remained in contact after their friendship at school.

On the other hand, it seems that the former president of the Yellow Pieces seemed to admire Sylvie Joly’s strength of courage in the face of illness. She also highlighted her very successful career while she has always had a great sense of humor.


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