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Waly Dia violently tackles France Inter: “Firing someone because they don’t suck at our boots…”

Columnist of the Great Sunday evening, Charline Vanhoenacker’s show on France Inter, Waly Dia decided not to resign from the radio after the dismissal of Guillaume Meurice for his joke on Benyamin Netanyahu. Which does not prevent the comedian, who is starting a Zéniths tour, from shooting the management of the station on sight. The proof in his latest interview published by Le Parisien/Today in France.

Waly Dia’s plea for freedom of expression

In this long interview, Waly Dia regrets, for example, the disappearance of a certain humor on the airwaves. “In the big echo chambers, this type of humor, of discourse, no longer exists, whether on RTL, on Europe 1… France Inter, it is the last space and it is doomed to be destroyed, but as long as it still exists, we might as well go there”he declared to our colleagues before explaining why, according to him, France Inter did not dismiss him despite his violently incriminating columns against the management of the radio. “If they want to stop me from speaking, what argument are they putting forward: that I don’t agree with them? But if we start firing someone because they don’t suck at your boots, we’re on a problem…”, he reacts. The comedian then once again defends Guillaume Meurice, recently fired from France Inter for “repeated disloyalty”. A justification “which doesn’t stick” for Waly Dia who emphasizes that his colleague did not harm the radio, on the contrary. “There are many more people who supported William than those against him.” “It’s not a question of loyalty“, he insists, praying that management remembers that it is at the “public radio service“and that they “are the heads of no one”. “We don’t have to put up with their mood swings. We are at the service of the listeners. And if they rejected us, we would know it“, he adds.

Waly Dia’s violent charge against France Inter

Following his momentum, Waly Dia once again attacks the management of public radio. “It’s amazing that one sentence can trigger all this mess (…) This incredibly cowardly choice (the dismissal, editor’s note) was made despite a court decision and massive support from listeners. It is a dictatorial vision of business management. Is he accused of disloyalty? I didn’t know that we had to take an oath at Radio France, I hadn’t read that in my 200-ball freelance story.”launched Waly Dia who had strongly attacked France Inter in his column at the beginning of June, after the departure of Guillaume Meurice. “In France, if you are under arrest for war crimes, you can be invited to a news broadcast. On the other hand, if you make a joke about this war criminal, you are banned from the radio. So why Sibyle Veil, the president of Radio France, state radio, decides to disregard a court decision Afterwards I saw that for three years, she had been an advisor to Nicolas Sarkozy… She learned magic with Dumbledore I have. I want to say. The lady’s plan is to get us out, so I don’t know if leaving is the right strategy if you want to piss off management.”he said, for example.


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