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Waly Dia still sees himself continuing on France Inter at the start of the school year, despite the tensions

Sylvain Lefevre / Getty Images Waly Dia, here in March 2022, in Lille.

Sylvain Lefevre / Getty Images

Waly Dia, here in March 2022, in Lille.

MEDIA – Unlike most of his now ex-colleagues, Waly Dia does not intend to slam the door on France Inter. In an interview given to Parisian This Wednesday, June 26, the comedian from Charline’s gang returns to the current tensions at the station. “Do you still see yourself on air when school starts again?”the daily asks.

« Of course, but it’s not me who’s importanthe declares to our colleagues. This is the point, which is becoming increasingly rare. In the big sounding boards, this type of humor, of discourse no longer exists, whether on RTL, on Europe 1… France Inter is the last space and it is doomed to be destroyed, but as long as it still exists, we might as well go there. »

Au Parisianhe explains not having experienced his column in the last issue of the Great Sunday evening as his last column on France Inter, ” just like the last of the season “. He specifies : ” Afterwards, if the RN comes to power, they will not support Charline Vanhoenacker in prime time on France Inter, that’s for sure. It could be the last in that sense. But this is not Charline’s position. »

Aymeric Lompret, Doully, GiedRé, Thomas VDB, but also the linguist Laélia Véron and before that Djamil Le Shlag…: since the announcement of the suspension and then the dismissal of Guillaume Meurice, several of the key personalities of the France Inter show have decided to leave the station to show their disapproval.

Towards the end of Great Sunday evening ?

“After witnessing the dismantling of this show, we are preparing to witness the dismantling of the country,” Charline Vanhoenacker joked during her last show on France Inter, Sunday June 23. Does this mean the end of the Great Sunday evening ? On several occasions, the Belgian host cast doubt, admitting: “ We don’t know what awaits us. »

Waly Dia, for his part, has already shown himself reluctant to leave the comedy program. In one of his previous columns, he considered it more judicious to stay, the project of Sibyle Weil (the boss of Radio France) being, according to him, to “clear”. « I don’t know if leaving is the right strategy if you want to piss off management,” he whispered.

This Wednesday, he reiterates his desire to keep the microphone. “ If they want to stop me from speaking, what argument are they putting forward: that I don’t agree with them? But if we start firing someone because they don’t suck up to you, we have a problem.”he continues in The Parisian.

Was Guillaume Meurice disloyal to Radio France, as management claimed to justify his dismissal? Waly Dia is clear: “ We know very well that it’s not for that and that she will never accept the real reason for her ouster. »

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