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Good morning ! : Bruce Toussaint has two new recruits of choice for the start of the school year, well-known faces

In January 2024, TF1 decided to renew itself by launching its first morning show called Bonjour !in direct competition with Telematin on France 2. It was Bruce Toussaint, poached from BFMTV, who was chosen to embody this new morning meeting. And the journalist of course surrounds himself with a host of columnists. His team should expand a little more from the start of the school year!

Indeed, according to information from Parisianthe show Bonjour ! will see new faces expand the family. Among them, Dawn Ventura, specialized in political posts which has until now been on the airwaves of RTL, since 2008. Morning shows do not scare her since on the radio station, she already got up early to decipher political news. She provided the political interview for RTL’s morning show between 2019 and 2022 after having been in charge of the political editorial for six seasons. And since 2022, Alba Ventura has issued two daily tickets, at 6:45 a.m. and 7:15 a.m. Bonjour ! thus allows you to be more present on the political field with this new recruit during a year which still promises to be full of twists and turns after the next legislative elections which will be held on June 30 and July 7.

And that’s not all, according to our colleagues, another journalist was recruited for the next season of the morning news, namely Karim Bennani. The latter for his part was stung on the chain The team and Prime Video but was already used to intervening in Bonjour ! from time to time. Previously, he was a figure on Canal+, having spent eight years hosting the shows Football day, Formula One, the F1 magazine or Sunday shift.

TF1 decided to revitalize its morning

New faces which are part of TF1’s idea of ​​boosting audiences for Bonjour ! which, despite promising beginnings, has not managed to exceed the symbolic bar of 10% market share. In order to revitalize its new daily bet, TF1 then made some changes. We will have to wait a few more months to see if these decisions will bear fruit.


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