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Laurent Voulzy guest of honor at Doudou in Mons: “I didn’t expect such fervor”

While thousands of people joined the city center of Mons this morning, while the Chambourlettes left the home of the Montois to participate in the party, while the first groups of Montois with the build of rugby players prepared to face the arena, while the great Saint-Georges was about to defeat the Beast, Laurent Voulzy, guest of honor of the City, was preparing to participate in Mons folklore at the heart of the action.

The Reunion singer was surprised by what he experienced this Sunday. “I was really surprised by the popular fervor that reigns here”, the star of French song told us. “I came here with the promise of a beautiful and extremely important popular festival in Mons and as I am a lover of Belgium, it seemed important to me to accept the City’s invitation. This is especially true since during my various concert appearances in Mons, notably in Sainte-Waudru, I had the opportunity to visit the town but it was much calmer… I had excellent memories of my passages here so I accepted the invitation from the City of Mons with joy.”

Not like a concert

Laurent Voulzy therefore discovered folklore that he did not know at all. “I was really touched by this invitation and since this morning, I have understood the importance of this celebration even if I had not imagined the scale of it. I was really surprised by how invested people were. We feel that their parents, their grandparents participated in these ancestral traditions and that it is part of the DNA of the city. It’s so beautiful, I find it wonderful, this investment on the part of people.

The 70-year-old singer participated in all the most important moments of Doudou. “Seeing the choirboys from the Car d’Or singing a little song to me in chorus really touched me. Now I’m about to get to the heart of the matter.”

After the climb of the Car d’Or, Laurent Voulzy also took part in the descent of the rue des Clercs as well as the fight as close as possible to the action.


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