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Marc Lavoine hit by Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine live, she apologizes (VIDEO)

Passing through C to you this Friday, October 18 to talk about his current affairs, Marc Lavoine will remember for a long time what he experienced on the set. The singer was hurt because of Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine and the host continued apologizing.

Marc Lavoine is one of those great French singers, who, even if the years go by, continue to be talked about. In recent months, the former coach of The Voice made headlines in the media for having formalized his relationship with Adriana Karembeu. Earlier today, the singer was a guest in Media culture on Europe 1 and spoke about their story: “It’s true that we’re pretty good together. It’s true that happiness exists so sometimes it goes on someone else’s arm and there it’s on my arm and it feels really good. It’s a joy to experience this, I’m happy, even if it lasts a year, two months, one day, at least I would have known his skin”. This Friday, October 18, Marc Lavoine spent part of his evening on the set of C to you on 5 to talk about his news marked by the announcement of a tour and the release of an album.

Marc Lavoine injured by Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine: “She pissed me off

Four decades after the release of his flagship title She has gun eyeshe releases his album Revolver in which he covers, among others, this great song. This new version is recorded with an electro-symphony orchestra, which is far from leaving him indifferent, so much so that he admitted to having quickly been “moved to tears” upon hearing it, as Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine explains: “I can’t hide anything from you“. Happy with his arrival on the France 5 talk show, Marc Lavoine asked the host before leaving: Can I kiss you? A request to which she responded positively. Once they are both up, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine accidentally injures him in the face. “Oh damn, she pissed me off“, he says, putting his glasses back in place.

The host apologizes: “Oh but sorry, I’m clumsy

Embarrassed by what has just happened, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine apologizes at every turn, until one of her columnists asks to launch the next tape recorder. Meanwhile, the two embrace. “Oh but sorry, I’m clumsy“, she repeats, “I am Pippi Longstocking“. The next column begins, but it is difficult for the presenter to concentrate, she feels so bad towards her guest. “Pardon…”, she whispers for the umpteenth time. Clearly, this is far from the first time she has made a mistake!



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