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what is this very controversial practice?


Briac Trébert

Published on

Oct 16, 2024 at 3:04 p.m.

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Retired from sports since the age of 26, after designing swimsuits, creating a perfume, and working as a consultant on swimming competitions for Televisionsor his victory in the fourth season of Best Pastry Chef, celebrity special…The latest project as of Laura Manaudou38 years old, that’s it kinesiology.

“I have completed my kinesiology training course, I have validated my 600 hours of training, all I have to do is pass the certification,” announced the former Olympic swimming champion to Current woman.

A practice “to resolve energy blockages”

Kinesiology? It is a technique of “psycho-corporeal rebalancing which focuses on the overall well-being of the person by taking into account the physical, emotional and mental aspects”, boast its promoters. It acts on muscle tone “to resolve energy blockages because the lack of tone of a muscle is often linked to a diseased organ”, summarizes the national council of the order of doctors.

But it is a practice of non-conventional care (PSNC) that can be called “traditional medicine”, “alternative medicine”, “complementary medicine”, “natural medicine” or even “alternative medicine”, summarizes the he professional, administrative and jurisdictional body for the defense and regulation of the medical profession, and which is controversial.

Because this discipline has nothing medical in it, and worse, it has been associated with risks of sectarian abuses and linked to terrible cases of deprivation of care and food leading to the death of children.

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No scientifically recognized training

There is actually no “scientifically recognized” training in kinesiology, insists the National Council of the Order of Physicians. And the “essential” problem is “to exclude patients with serious pathologies from treatments whose effectiveness has been demonstrated, which can lead to a loss of opportunity or a vital risk for these patients”, he warns. -he.

In a recent report, he also pointed out the worrying growth of these PSNC which can find its origins in the shortage of healthcare provision, the influence of the health crisis or even “the “organic” movement and the offers well-being and personal development training.

The radicalization of certain followers of this movement has led to excesses of a sectarian nature in which the hygienist dimension raised to the rank of dogma constituted a determining factor.

The Miviludes
Interministerial mission of vigilance and fight against sectarian abuses

The stated objective of kinesiology is to reduce stress “in order to give everyone the opportunity to reconnect with their potential”, to regain their personal power, the ability to choose and access their own solutions. It can help with physical problems (pain, illnesses, etc.) and psycho-emotional problems (stress, fears, phobias, anxiety, anxieties, learning difficulties, sleeping, eating, etc.), explain those who use it. practice. And it would improve, among other things, “communication with oneself and others, self-confidence, self-esteem, decision-making, physical and intellectual performance”.

A holistic therapy method inspired by Chinese medicine

Founded in the 1960s by an American chiropractor, this method of holistic therapy inspired by Chinese medicine is also in the sights of… Miviludesthe interministerial mission of vigilance and fight against sectarian abuses which is concerned about “the radicalization of certain followers of this movement” recalling in particular a case judged in June 2005 by the Assize Court of (Finistère).

Parents, in the name of ideological conceptions inherent to the practice of kinesiology and the “biological laws” of Ryke Geerd Hamer, had adopted the vegan diet for themselves and their children in their quest for a purified diet. This diet deficient in animal proteins and vitamins and their extreme distrust of a medical world deemed a priori dangerous had caused the death of their baby, who had been breastfed by the mother since birth, and found himself in a state of major malnutrition.

By embarking on this project, while she enjoys a certain popularity, Laure Manaudou could thus further legitimize kinesiology and encourage more people to turn to this practice, although it is not consensual.

The fact remains that kinesiology already has more and more fans, according to an Odoxa survey carried out in May 2023 with the Miviludes. It was already one of the “rising practices” more than a year ago, the survey detailed: 58% of respondents who have tried kinesiology have done so in recent years.

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