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Alizée Letrange-Mouakit: “I realized that I missed the gym”

A little over a year after announcing the end of her career, Alizée Letrange-Mouakit (20 years old) returned to training. She is also preparing to make her return to competition.

Alizée Letrange-Mouakit. Photo DR

Spot Gym: For the past few weeks, we have seen some videos circulating of you training, are you back at the gym?
Alizée Letrange-Mouakit: Yes, I have resumed training since August in Saint-Etienne.

We left you in March 2023, you explained to us in an interview that you had lost the taste for gym, with this impression of being in a vicious circle because of successive injuries (read here), how did you come to this to resume?
I came to this thought quite simply after a simple discussion I had with my trainer at the Saint-Etienne pole. Since I left the pole in December 2022, I have often kept in touch with Marie (Angéline Colson), I regularly stopped by to see the girls in training, and then during a discussion she asked me the famous question: “Do you miss the gym?” I realized that yes I missed the gym a little.

And that’s when the desire to start again became formalized…
Obviously when you stop something that you practiced almost all your childhood, it leaves a void. I then spoke about it to those around me who told me that it might be a good idea to start again. I think it’s important to give things that mattered to you a second chance, so I finally decided to get back into the gym.

What is your training pace?
I train every day, around 20 hours a week, with slightly specific schedules compared to the girls.

At the same time, where are you in terms of your university studies?
I am currently in my second year of law with flexible schedules. The importance for me is to finish my law degree first before focusing fully on sport.

What are your gymnastic goals exactly?
The primary objective is to get back into the gym because it’s true that when I left, I didn’t want to hear about it anymore. I had reached a stage where it had become too much and this long break where I was able to find myself, discover life without sport finally did me good. I think I especially needed it. Today, I’m training for the Top 12 (Alizée is part of the Brumath club, Editor’s note). I don’t necessarily have a long-term plan, I’m more of a girl who lives day by day and I prefer to continue to see how I’m progressing in my recovery and then see further if I am led to go further. But the main thing is to continue to maintain this pleasure that I regained by going to training.

When we see the videos that you share on the networks, you give the impression of not having lost too much. Surprised despite your 1 year break?
Girls tend to say that I have an easy time at gym, maybe that’s what it shows from the outside, but I can assure you that it’s just as difficult for me (Laughs). It’s true that I have it easy, that I gained everything back in a month, but the hardest part was the physical aspect because I had lost everything. The first days of recovery, I couldn’t even walk or move because my body hurt so much. And when my coach told me it would take time, I then thought it would be long and difficult over the next few weeks, but ultimately I feel like everything is falling into place little by little .

Have you taken the 4 apparatuses?
Yes I took the 4 apparatuses.

Your year 2021 was marked by a succession of foot injuries, three in less than two years which ultimately excluded you from final Olympic preparation after the Games were postponed for a year due to Covid , how are things going at this level?
In terms of my foot, I think I can say that it’s finally far behind me! Since resuming, I have had no problem with it, even when resuming leg apparatus after a little over a year without sport.

Today, are you thriving again in the gym and your workouts?
Of course today I am happy again in the gym and training. I walk into a gym with a smile that I never take off and it feels really good to have that feeling again.

Have you managed to find a good balance between your personal, student and sporting life?
Yes, I found a balance. In a way, I manage to separate things in my life, in the sense that when I’m training I’m only focused on training, but once I’m in college, it’s like if my sporting life was on hold and at that moment my mind was only on classes. The same in my personal life. When I am with those around me, my family, my friends, I like to let go of everything else and enjoy the present moment.

Alizée Letrange-Mouakit in a few dates

September 2004: birth of Alizée in
September 2008: start of gymnastics at the Wantzenau club
Summer 2012: arrival at the Brumath club
Summer 2014: entry to the center
June 2014: bronze medalist in the future at the elite French championships
November 2015 : first selection for the French team during a U13 match, team silver medalist
June 2015: future French champion
June 2016: French hope champion
June 2017: French hope champion
January 2018: entry to the Saint-Etienne center
Avril 2018 : first major international competition with the European Junior Championships where she placed 5th as a team
November 2018 : silver medalist at the Top Gym de Charleroi in the all-around and team competition, bronze medalist on bars
June 2019: French junior all-around champion, bronze medalist on floor (her competition in video)
July 2019: 5th in the all-around at the EYOF (European Youth Olympic Festival)
November 2019: silver medalist in team and all-around at L’Elite Gym Massilia
November 2019: gold medalist at the senior squad review
March-April 2020: Olympic preparation with the collective for the Tokyo Games
Mars 2021 : foot injury on a full in tense on the ground
Mars 2023 : announcement of the end of his career
August 2024: back to training


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