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Camille Lou, Constance Labbé and Claire Romain accomplices with other personalities at the preview of Cat’s Eyes, the new TF1 series (PHOTOS)

The first episode of the TF1 event series Cat’s Eyesthe adaptation of the famous cartoon from the 80s, had already been previewed during the Fiction Festival on September 12. This Wednesday, October 9, it was at the Seine Musicale, located in Boulogne-Billancourt on the outskirts of , that TF1 organized its preview. Soon to be broadcast on the first channel, the adaptation, like the original manga, features a trio of heroines played by Camille Lou (in the role of Tam), Constance Labbé (who plays Sylia) and Claire Romain (in the role by Alexia). All three – but not only – were present and, as during the La Rochelle Fiction Festival, showed themselves to be accomplices.

Cat’s Eyes : the entire cast was at the premiere of the series

The entire film team was also present during this preview: MB14 and Cindy Bruna, who respectively play the role of Quentin Chapuis, the captain of the Banditry Repression Brigade, and that of Gwen Assaya, a member of his brigade, but also Grégory Fitoussi, Elodie Fontan, Gilles Cohen and the director Alexandre Laurent. At their side, Claire Romain, who plays in the daily soap opera Here it all beginswas able to count on the presence of her colleagues, in particular Sarah-Cheyenne Santoni, Zoï Sévérin, Fanny Gilles, Nicolas Anselmo, and Aurélie Pons, but especially her lover Thomas Da Costa.

All the TF1 stars present at the premiere of Cat’s Eyes

Whether it is the castings of More beautiful life, even more beautiful or from Tomorrow belongs to usmany actors were present during this evening at the Seine Musicale. For the series premiere Cat’s EyesTF1 was thus able to count on the presence of Zoé Laïb, Diane Dassigny, Inaki Lartigue and the late Moon Daily for the first, and Ariane Séguillon, Clémence Lassalas and Aurélie Konaté for the second. Other personalities, actors, journalists or hosts from the first channel, also stopped on the red carpet of the evening, like Christophe Beaugrand, Audrey Fleurot, Julien Arruti, Isabelle Ithurburu, Hélène Mannarino and even the dancer Inès Vandamme, known for her participation in Dancing with the stars since 2019


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