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“He was like a friend”

« He who laughs a lot cries a lot. » Father Yves Trocheris, parish priest of the Saint-Eustache church in , chose these modest and poignant words to open, this Thursday at 4 p.m., the funeral of Michel Blanc, who died suddenly at the age of 72. He doesn’t insist. Everything is said, with this adage, of the complexity of the actor-director, whose numerous portraits, since his death, have described spleen and drollery, humor and melancholy. Filmmaker Jean-Pierre Ameris sees in the very contrasting weather of this afternoon, suspended between autumn and summer, a nod to the actor’s personality. “It’s raining and sunny at the same time, it’s rare, and that’s all Michel, that…”


The Splendid’s friends are obviously there. Josiane Balasko, Thierry Lhermitte, Gérard Jugnot, Christian Clavier, Marie-Anne Chazel… Michel Blanc is the first of the Bronzés to disappear. A traveling companion, Martin Lamotte, confides: “We are hanging on, but we will all follow. Michel, it was talent, humor, and finesse in humor. » Also present, Carole Bouquet, Dominique Besnehard, Patrice Leconte, Dany Boon, Rachida Dati, Brigitte Macron, Isabelle Mergault…

Michel Blanc, who lived in the Marais, really liked this Saint-Eustache church, in the heart of Paris, near Les Halles. “He often came, very discreetly, worried about acts of vandalism,” notes priest Yves Trocheris. A thousand people are gathered on the square. Pamela de Rouvray, 65, wears the uniform of Jean-Claude Dusse. ski suit and white balaclava. “The Splendid troupe was so funny and free. They dared everything! Today, in our politically correct society, we are bored. » “He was part of the family. He was like a friend. He played in such a way, never overlooking his characters, that we felt close to him,” emphasizes Françoise, 69, physiotherapist.

“Michel, we find ourselves here like idiots, with our dark glasses. You got lost, we don’t even know where.”

In the church, Jean-Paul Rouve delivers the first tribute, his voice altered by emotion. “Michel, we find ourselves here like idiots, with our dark glasses. You got lost, we don’t even know where, everyone has their own idea on the matter. » He laughs at the actor’s legendary hypochondria. “You must be pissing them off up there. Damn, there’s a draft, you want me to catch death? »

Music lover

Josiane Balasko talks about her friend’s musical fiber. “You wanted to become a pianist. To our great happiness, you became an actor. » The music that punctuates the celebration often comes from the baroque repertoire, in tune with the tastes of this music lover. Lully, Bach, Rameau, Purcell… In a magnificent homily, Father Jérôme Prigent reminds us that doubt and faith are not mutually exclusive. “We can choose to move freely towards the love of God. You never know: a misunderstanding could work. »

5:30 p.m. The coffin leaves the church. Last ovation, long and moving. ” THANKS ! » chants the crowd. We can still hear the words of Jérôme Prigent, who concluded his homily by quoting Jean-Claude Dusse: “Go for it, Michel. Your Lord is waiting for you. »


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