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Bad news for David Hallyday: 2 ejects him from its schedule with Corinne Masiero

If his fans had marked the date with a hot iron to find him in a series, they will have to be patient. Indeed, this Friday October 4, 2024, the new episode of Captain Marleauwith Corinne Masiero and David Hallyday, has just been canceled.

And the reason is very sad. This Friday morning, Michel Blanc lost his life at the age of 72. As we revealed to you, and confirmed by his great friend Gérard Jugnot, the actor would have succumbed to a heart attack.

David Hallyday “victim” of the disappearance of Michel Blanc

“I was told that he had a huge allergy to a medication, an anaphylactic shock. I know they tried to revive him, it was terrible all day yesterday… and he is party”confided Gérard Jugnot a few hours ago at the microphone of RTL. With this disappearance, the television channels have therefore decided to shake up their schedules.

In fact, the programs planned for this Friday evening will mainly be replaced by documentaries or films in which Michel Blanc played the leading roles. And David Hallyday will unfortunately be a victim of this deprogramming.

In fact, Johnny Hallyday’s son was to appear this Friday evening alongside Corinne Masiero, Romane Bohringer, Jean-Claude Drouot, Olivier de Benoist, and Marius Colucci, in a new episode of Captain Marleau on 2. Faced with the exceptional situation,The second channel has chosen to deprogram the episode.

What was the episode supposed to be about?

As recalled TV Major Channelsthis episode with the presence of David Hallyday, was to take us on board “in a strange affair. During a reunion weekend between old high school friends, at Grégoire’s, a journalist living on a Breton island”, recalled our colleagues.

“Present on site, Carla, the daughter of his friends Max and Florence, will be the center of all attention. And for good reason, Grégoire, quite old, will announce to the parents of the very young girl that he intends to marry her “specifies in fact TV Major Channels.

After this lively weekend, the journalist’s boat will explode in the early morning leading to the death of Micka, friend of the future groom. Captain Marleau will then investigate and realize that the group of friends is hiding some secrets. But we will now have to be patient to discover this investigation with David Hallyday and Corinne Masiero.


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