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the Généracois Quentin Laclotte-Parmentier obtains his first major role in “Brocéliande”

QIs uentin Laclotte-Parmentier, a young man from Générac, a murderer? Was it he who killed young Chloe? He was one of the last people to have seen her alive, guided towards her by a doe!

If you have an opinion on these questions, it is because you are one of the four million viewers of the television series “Brocéliande” broadcast on TF1 and which concluded on Monday September 30. No question of revealing the plot, because the series is available on demand.

Quentin Laclotte-Parmentier plays the role of Lucas, with a disability, who is the son of the gendarmerie captain who heads the investigation. For Quentin, this role is the first in a series of this magnitude, with such visibility.

On the same subject

“A very powerful stage presence”

Quentin Laclotte-Parmentier, a young high school graduate from Jaufré-Rudel high school, will begin a double course in law and theater at the start of the school year with a view to becoming a professional actor.

Since college

It was at the Val-de-Saye college, in Saint-Yzan, that Quentin Laclotte-Parmentier began acting, before joining Julia Zatko’s Tréteaux de l’enfance troupe, who, through his curriculum, showed the excellence of his work. He joined the famous drama school, Cours Florent, in and then in . He was spotted by an artistic agent and, first success, obtained the main role in a short film, selected at the Film Festival “Muckbanger”.

For Brocéliande, he obtained the role of Lucas, via a casting offered to him by his agent. “It’s my first composition role, I was terrified. To prepare for it, I watched films like “Rain Man” or series like “Good doctor”, which deal with this subject. » But, he was also inspired by encounters he was able to make, with one objective, to avoid one-upmanship, to overplay the disease.

Positive memories

Bruno Garcia, the director of “Brocéliande” “liked what I proposed” and he left for ten days of filming spread between the months of May and June 2023. Lucas could very well be the assassin, because, he appears in all six episodes of the series.

Of this great premiere, he only has positive memories, particularly of his relationships with the other actors. “It was also the first series for Nolwenn, she is shockingly humble, for the scene with the horses, she asked me for my opinion”, which he still can’t get over. Quentin relied on his TV “parents”. “Catherine Marchal and Thomas Jouannet are experienced actors. As soon as I had a question, they were there to help me, it’s very educational. There was no need to resort to cliché or caricature. » Other actors were more difficult to manage. “Cigalère is a tame doe. She was supposed to leave in the direction of Chloe’s house, but she didn’t want to at all. I had to play the whole scene with the doe stuck to me. »

After “Brocéliande”, Quentin Laclotte Parmentier will be starring in another series, “Surface” for 2 in which he plays the role of a gendarme alongside Laura Smet and Tomer Sisley, broadcast in 2025 and it continues to continue the castings, we should continue to see Quentin Laclotte-Parmentier on the screens and the stage.


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