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Victor Belmondo confides what he thinks of his resemblance to Jean-Paul Belmondo

A grandson attached to his grandfather. On September 6, 2021, Jean-Paul Belmondo died. Thursday September 9, 2021, his family and friends gathered at Les Invalides to pay him a magnificent national tribute. During this public ceremony, his grandson, Victor Belmondo, spoke to pay him a more personal tribute through a moving speech. He particularly wanted to remember his grandfather’s sense of humor. “Throughout his life, he never stopped looking for happiness, but above all giving it. Both to his family and to everyone else. Through his films obviously, but also and above all through what he was and will remain: the sun does not go out, it shines, it radiates everywhere, all the time. When it sets somewhere, it wakes up elsewhere. will always radiate us with his smile, his kindness and his extreme benevolence”, he confided before concluding with a tender and moving: “Thank you grandpa for giving us so much joy, thank you for sharing so much of your positivity. leave us filled with this immense happiness. We love you. Have fun with your friends who missed you so much.

A few years later, Victor Belmondo recalls his grandfather with as much love and happiness as ever: “We were very close. The one you see in the film was the same one at home. As a child, I had more fun with my grandfather only with my friends”, he said (…)

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