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Bernard Tapie: “Nothing had been prepared…”, a relative of the family makes revelations about his death

The announcement of the death of Bernard Tapie was a real shock for all those who loved and surrounded him. Despite a long battle with cancer, the businessman always seemed full of life and projects. However, as Marie Griessinger Tapie reveals in her work Lurking like Bernardwhich is due to appear in bookstores on October 3, the Tapie family was far from being prepared for this terrible ordeal, as revealed Here is.

Bernard Tapie had always refused to broach the subject of death with those close to him. Even in the most difficult times, he did not want to mention the possibility of his disappearance. “He never wanted to speak openly about death with his loved ones, even though he was suffering enormously and had refused to take his painkillers at the end so that we can ‘feel the suffering of Jesus’“, confided Marie Griessinger Tapie to the Sunday Newspaper. This attitude plunged the family into deep denial. “We were all in denial. Nothing had been prepared. Maybe we should have talked about it“, she explains. By refusing to consider his own end, Bernard Tapie had in some way condemned his loved ones to live in uncertainty and to be confronted with a mourning that was brutal to say the least.

Bernard Tapie had plans until the last moment

Paradoxically, Bernard Tapie, who refused to face his mortality, was constantly looking for new challenges. “Several weeks before his death, he still imagined himself participating in car races on the Montlhéry circuit and breaking a speed record there! And a few days before passing away, he saw himself becoming Prime Minister and even President of the Republic“, remembered Marie Griessinger Tapie.

These revelations show us to what extent Bernard Tapie was an extraordinary character. The man was in fact capable of reconciling an intense thirst for life and a certain form of fatalism. Until the last moment, he refused to let himself be overcome by illness and continued to have high hopes for its future.

The businessman’s complex legacy

The death of Bernard Tapie has left an immense void in the lives of those close to him and in the French media landscape. But it also raised many questions about the man he really was. Through her book, Marie Griessinger Tapie should try to draw up a nuanced portrait of his father-in-lawfar from clichés and caricatures. She should deliver a poignant testimony about a complex, endearing and deeply human man.

However, by refusing to broach the subject of death,
Bernard Tapie deprived his loved ones of preparation time and a peaceful and serene mourning. The choice made by the businessman reminds us of the importance of talking about the end of life, even when it is difficult, if not impossible, to envisage.


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